hi there,,
after turning on my computer i cannot access any icons in the desktop, when i try to double click the microsoft word the dialog box always appear "application not found" even in the start-up menu, all application in microsoft office is not working....
same with saved games when i try to double click it and right click it dosn't work it appears "open with" bla bla bla.... hope someboby help me..


if you want to whether your'e victim or no you have
to go to run->and type regedit.exe if the editor opens for a sec and closes then you are infected.
any way have you tried system restore

Go to Kaspersky.com and download Kaspersky Anti-Virus and scan with it. If you are infected it should find what is causing your problem.

have you tried rebooting your computer?-- Dumb question, but thats what fixed it when that happened to me.

If you reboot and it you're still stuck in your situation, then your problem is a little more serious. But don't panic! This shouldn't be too hard to fix.

So, the best options you have is to scan for viruses- but don't download anything to your hard drive- even online scans- because the scan can be botched by the virus in question. Instead, see if you can create an "Ultimate Boot CD" (www.ubcd4win.com). Its not difficult, all you need is a copy of windows XP service pack 2 on CD and some time. Do this on another computer!

When creating your CD, before you get too far in, you should see a little button at the bottom saying "Plugins". Click on it and scroll down until you find a group of programs that say s "antivirus" infrot of it and another that says "antispyware" infront of it. Click "config" after highlighting each individual plugin to update the definitions. Then you can go ahead and create your CD.

Then, after entering your system's setup (by pressing an F key, delete, or whatever your system needs before windows starts) and ensuring that your computer will boot from your CD drive before it will try your hard drive (ask if you need help on that, but its pretty straightforward) you just insert the CD and reboot. You'll find yourself in a windows-like environment. Before you do anything, find the button at the bottom of the screen that lets you see files and folders like windows explorer. Use it to move all important data onto external media- but try to save only the most important things to lessen the risk of carrying over any potential threats.

Then, go to the "start" menu, go to "programs", and open the "antivirus" and "antispyware" programs. It has several of each.

Run these (as many as you want, the more the better) perhaps overnight or when you'll be away from your computer for a while. They should find your problem if it is a virus. If not, the UBCD has many other tools you can use.

If this approach does not work for you, you can try removing the hard drive itself, slaving it to another machine- after backing up important information from both machines- and scanning it with that machine.

If you can't do either of these, try whatever scans you can on your machine itself after backing up anything important (if possible). I recommend using whatever defenses may be installed and Trendmicro housecall


If you can access any of these.

If you cannot scan for viruses by any of these methods, or you do so and the problem persists, you should boot off of your operating system CD (which operating system are you using?). Go to the recovery console if in XP. If vista, use some of Vista's repairing scans (I'm not too familiar with them/it, having only done this once) then the recovery console if unsuccessful.

From there, run these commands.

SFC /scannow

Chkdsk C: /r

And see if that helps. You may want to run these after you run the virus scans as it is.

Sorry for the really long post, but I'm trying to attack this from all angles. Get back to us on this! Your system specs, OS, recent odd activity, scan results, and any recent changes you have made to your computer would be valuable information for us.

We'll be waiting!

Good luck, Godspeed

--The Comodore

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