
Whenever I click on IE icon i get an error and a suggestion to notify microsoft of that error. However I can still use IE browser by starting Windows Explorer instead, although when i click on a link that requires opening of a new browser window i get the error once again. I use IE6 and XP pro. I downloaded all available updates from Microsoft but the problem hasn't been solved. I appreciate any input and feedback.


Go into your Administrative Tools folder, open up Event Viewer, and have a look through your log files. Are there any error messages in your logs which contain more specific information pertaining to the problem?

Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2600.0, faulting module winshow.dll, version, fault address 0x00009901.


Good find, and congratulations- you are most likely the proud parent of a bouncing baby virus infection. More info on the "winshow" infections (and removal instructions) can be found in these links:


I'm moving this to the Viruses/Spyware forum now; buckle up...

Thank you. I downloaded Spy Sweeper refered by someone in the earlier threads, after i ran it seems like it fixed the problem, whether it was winshow and/or something else.

Webroot's Spy Sweeper is a reputable program- it may very well have done the trick for you.

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