Hi all,

I don't know what is the name of this virus is, but let me tell you.
It stays in my flash drive. Whenever I plug in the flash, the drive icon changes to folder icon. At first I didn't notice about it at all. But it had disabled the task manger (I'm using Windows XP). So I fixed the task manager by going to regedit, then I open the task manager seeing one process call Generic.exe which makes my PC slow down if I use right click on desktop to refresh. Then I end this process, and my PC runs faster.
Now that I scanned my PC for virus with AVG free 8.0..nothing happens. Then I turn on the "Hide Protected operating system files (Recommended)" and I saw there're one hidden folder and one file in the flash: RECYCLE & autorun.inf.

Now my problem is even I deleted this folder and this file, 2seconds later it come out again..and again.

Please help give me solution to my PC and the flash.


hi friend, can't you get another antivirus or update the one you have already? you could also try scanning with Malbyte's anti malware.

Hi c-tech,
Thank for your reply. I have already updated my anti virus DB already, but nothing help.
But I have come up with the solution when I plug the flash in my friend's pc which installed MCafee.

copy all the important stuff off your flash drive (USB) and then reformat the USB, do a full FORMAT and then copy all your files back onto the USB.....

This will remove everything


from what i see i think your machine is infected by a virus already and that's why every time you plug in the flash the files get copied on. Do a whole system scan and did you also try what i had suggested download Malwarebytes' antimalware from here http://www.majorgeeks.com/Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_d5756.html . scan your system and see if it comes up with anything. delete every infection found.

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