In going through your logs to see what files were running and which could be stopped using Task Manager I discovered that you are running TWO firewalls, at least, three if the Windows firewall is enabled.
This is an absolute No-No. ONE firewall on a computer is the rule.
This may very well be one reason your MBA-M scans are taking so long...multiple firewalls blocking it's action and causing it to stall, especially Zone Alarm. Get rid of Zone Alarm, uninstall it since the McAfee Firewall is part of your security suite from them.
the zonealarm is on there because i have a couple music software programs that like to dial home and the mcafee actually allows them to do so... the progs are legit software so it isnt that i dont want them detected, i just dont care for the fact that they try to call home with each load up, and zonealarm is the only one ive been able to actually use to block them from doing so... and i dont have windows firewall running, cuz it is a pain in my ass haha