I have tried the last good configuration mode option but it still gives me this.. I am in an endless loop. HELP

Everytime I start my computer this comes up:

••••Lsass.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x00401082" referenced memory at "0x00000000." The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program.
Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

I have a DELL Inspiron 700m laptop with XP w latest SP. I have Norton Corporate and and Malware Byte's Antimalware prog.
I need to get in and then try to scan...

Hello and Welcome to Daniweb,

Pls do the following:

1. - Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (http://www.download.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?part=dl-10804572&subj=dl&tag=button) to your desktop.

* Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program.
* At the end, be sure to checkmark the Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, then click Finish.
* If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.
* Once the program has loaded, select Perform full scan, then click Scan.
* When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.
* Be sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected.
* When completed, a log will open in Notepad.
* Post the log back here.

Make sure that you restart the computer.

The log can also be found here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs\log-date.txt
Or at C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\Logs\log-date.txt

2. - Download hijackthis and post the log.

In your reply, post the logs (in this order):
1. - Malware Bytes Log
2. - Hijackthis Log



Thanks for your post but the problem is I CAN NOT GET IN TO MY PC, it is on a loop and can not get in via last good configuration either. I can get in, I already have those programs installed.

Can you boot into safe mode?

No, it gives me the same error when i get into safe mode whichever one i choose.

What happens if you boot of the windows disc and do a system repair, would that work??


I just tried that.. when it rebooted after the repair it went to the same place but with NO POPUP WARNING ABOUT THE ERROR. On the 3rd try it gave me a blue screen dump. Now it just tells me goes to directly to windows\system32\config\system is missing or corrupt.
I went back to repair and there is no more option to of an existing windows install. Now I can just see the regular partition in addition to 2 smaller ones(i think those are the windows repair temps). I try to rebuild the config file and still brings me back to this new message. I am now inside it with UBUNTU moving my data to a portable HD. I would really like to save my install since it's been a good 3 yrs of cleanly running. I have a ton of programs installed and I just hate the thought of a clean install. Any ideas?
Thank you for your quick replies and help BTW :)

I am having this same problem. I do not understand some of what is being said in this thread...I do have the MalwareBytes program, but I am unable to get into my computer at all...when I reboot, it just comes up with the same error and regardless of whether you choose "Ok" or "Cancel", it just goes to a blank screen.

I am also having the same problem and similar to Kjharris, am not proficient at all the IT jargon.

I was wondering if anyone has had luck with this. I'm getting the same error at startup ref "0x00401082" and due to my lack of tech knowledge am pretty clueless where to start. Any guidance from people that had success with this would be appreciated.

I am also having the same problem and similar to Kjharris, am not proficient at all the IT jargon.

I was wondering if anyone has had luck with this. I'm getting the same error at startup ref "0x00401082" and due to my lack of tech knowledge am pretty clueless where to start. Any guidance from people that had success with this would be appreciated.


Could you both create a new thread and then, we can help you. State what your problems are and then we can continue.



I have tried the last good configuration mode option but it still gives me this.. I am in an endless loop. HELP

Everytime I start my computer this comes up:

••••Lsass.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x00401082" referenced memory at "0x00000000." The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program.
Click on CANCEL to debug the program.

I have a DELL Inspiron 700m laptop with XP w latest SP. I have Norton Corporate and and Malware Byte's Antimalware prog.
I need to get in and then try to scan...

I fixed this problem on my daughter's laptop last night.

I downloaded the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows from http://www.ubcd4win.com/ and made a CD. Booted from the CD on the laptop, ran the registry recovery wizard and booted fine.

I'd recommend doing an antivirus and antimalware scan on the harddrive to get rid of any buggers that may have caused this error which is likely a corruption of the SECURITY registry hive.

I downloaded the UBCD4Win onto a CD. It took several hours with this satellite internet. When I got the disk in my laptop after powering on, the computer gave me a scary screen that was all blue and read "STOP c000021 {Fatalsystemerror} The windows logon process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000000d (0x00000000 0x00000000). The system has been shut down." I had to power off to get it to start over. When I restarted, I decided to try the F8 key right before the Windows XP window showed up and it gave me the Safe mode and last known good config reboot screen!! Yeah! So I selected last know good config. Yes. I finally got onto my computer. It was slow and it struggled between many programs until I finally got Spybot to scan and remove files. I did not run the file on the CD for fear i would cause more problems. I don't think I'm out of the clear with the viruses.

I am traveling now so I can not try the download yet until I return home this weekend. So you mean you did not even use the UBCD4Win CD at all? I always got the last good known config option but it never got in at all, it would just send me back to the original message.
Did you have to build the CD as the download instructions suggest or did you just download it and inserted it without building?

I didn't actually run the program but perhaps it helped having it in the drive as I couldn't get anything to work before. It's worth a try. I'm still having other problems so I don't think I'm out of the clear with problems. Antivirus program said it was a Trojan threat. Anyhow I'll keep checking back for updates.

You can't just download ubcd4win and burn it to a CD. You have to follow most, if not all of the steps they give you in the how to to create an ISO which you then burn to a CD. I created the ISO and used ImgBurn to burn the ISO to disc.

The part that takes the most time is updating the antivirus plugins to the latest signatures...at least for me. The rest has been easy. I've used WinXP SP2 OEM CDs both times though I'm thinking of making one with a volume license CD to see if there is any impact to what can be done with it.

UBCD4Win is a great tool in the PC repair arsenal but it's not a silver bullet. I'm working on a different laptop that has a corrupted SECURITY registry hive that has not responded favorably to the registry recovery wizard but I'm so very much closer to fixing than I was even one week ago.

thank you. I know I had to download something before it would write to the disk. I didn't find the instructions to be very clear. It's been 2 days since I had the laptop on so hopefully things are still running better. If not, I have your solution to help. Thank you so much!

I built the UBCD4WIN with SP2 and booted with it. It was great! I could see everything I have there and can pretty much emulate the windows OS incuding networking and internet capabilities as opposed to UBUNTU.
I ran the registry repair wizard and I was able to restore it to a point 2 weeks before. I rebooted and still get to the same point.. i can now choose a "1" or "windows xp operating system", I then get the windows xp pro screen while it is booting up but then it quits at the black screen and i can move the cursor around but that is it. Nothing else happens. I wil reboot again with UBCD and see what other options I can try including running the antivirus and antimalware progs. Any ideas anyone?

Good morning, jackal. :)

First thing I would try is running chkdsk from UBCD4win. I can't remember which menu I found it under so you may have to search for a bit. Disk tools, diagnostics, I think...

On the second laptop I used the boot disc to repair, I couldn't repair anything until I ran chkdsk to recover from and mark the bad sector in the FAT. Fortunately for me, the laptop wasn't used for more than recording court proceedings so I knew the registry wouldn't change much from day to day so I went back a few months for a registry copy using the registry restore wizard.

You may need to do the same but since viruses and malware can compromise lsass.exe, you should scan for viruses using one or more scanners from the boot disc and then scan with at least two or three malware scanners before using the registry restore wizard just to make sure you don't have any naughty buggers compromising anything.

ok, i ran most av and antimalware and chkdisk. It's taken 3 days. Now i can actually boot up to my windows login and once i enter my password, a little bit later i get a popup that says "a problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer Error Code: 0x80004005" then it starts logging off and saving my settings.. can not get past this. This is my original XP install w SP3. It is legit. Any ideas on what I should try next?

I've not run into the error you are describing. At this point, what I recommend is to connect a USB drive to your computer, boot with UBCD4Win and copy all of your data off such as pictures, music, spreadsheets, correspondence, etc. Then format and reinstall Windows or try to do a repair install.

I've noticed that I need to have the USB drive connected when I boot with the disc.

Good luck and if you manage to find a solution other than wipe and reinstall, please share it with us.

I took out my data the first day with UBUNTU, now I can at least login but now just need to work on this prob. I want to save my progs. I hope someone can help with this error, I've seen it elsewhere and it does have instructions on removal but as a cause of a HD reimage.

OK I can now login into safe mode but if I try to startup normally I still get: "a problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer Error Code: 0x80004005"
And restarts.

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