Hello, new member here and have a question.

NewDotNet6_38.dll. Can't get rid of it. Each time I turn computer on, it comes up. I need to retrieve my documents and have been unsuccessful. I was told and was able to get to the Safe Mode but when I clicked on documents the NewDotNet6_38.dll popped up again.

I need help if you can provide it I would be grateful since my docs contain medical information on my disabled children that I need to print reports for service.

Just wanted to say thank you for all your help. I gave my computer to a friend along with your instructions.

Great news my computer has been restored and the newdotnet6.38_dll is gone. My documents are still intact and I will be backing up as soon as I complete a scan disk. It keeps giving me the standard SCANDISK has restarted 10 times. Close down some programs and it will run faster.

I am patient now that my computer has recovered. Also, I wondered if after I update Norton if it would be okay to install AdSubtract for the popups and whether it would be a problem having more than one popup blocker running. I don't want this to happen again so I will use ALL the protection I can find.

Again thank you for your help.

Try running ScanDisk (and DiskDefrag) from Safe Mode.

You can get all the protection you need by following the advice, and getting the tools, suggested here:




If you do the things suggested, one popup blocker should be adequate. In most cases I don't think there will be a problem running more than one, but there may be conflicts with some.

Here is one review of AdSubtract:


What OS and Service Pack (SP) do you have? Is it XP with SP2?

Try running ScanDisk (and DiskDefrag) from Safe Mode.

You can get all the protection you need by following the advice, and getting the tools, suggested here:




If you do the things suggested, one popup blocker should be adequate. In most cases I don't think there will be a problem running more than one, but there may be conflicts with some.

Here is one review of AdSubtract:


What OS and Service Pack (SP) do you have? Is it XP with SP2?

Thanks for the quick reply. The AdSubtract review wasn't that great. I do have a Popup Ad Blocker by COSMI Maybe I'll try that first.

Also will go to the desktop and try scandisk from safe mode. Will let you know how it worked out. Thanks! :cool: What OS and Service Pack (SP) do you have? Is it XP with SP2?

:o sorry, don't really know...desktop has Windows Me.

on of the best popup blocker in my opinion and that of many others, is the Google tool bar and its free

Okay, Windows Me is your OS; you can right-click on the "My Computer" icon, and then click on Properties, click on the General tab and it should show what Service Pack you have. But I was just asking because SP2 (XP) has a popup blocker in it, since you don't have that, a popup blocker may be a good idea.

I'm not that familiar with all the popup blockers available, before you start using one, I would suggest you ask for recommendations in the Software forum.

Thanks Caper, I'll check it out... and dlh, the ScanDisk is working in the SafeMode. Dare I try to defrag in the same way? Will keep you guys posted. This site is the best!

Dare I try to defrag in the same way?

Yes, Defrag can suffer from the same problems as ScanDisk in terms of being interrupted by other running programs. When you run Safe Mode, Windows does not load/start most (if not all) of the third-party programs which can interfere with ScanDisk and Defrag.

Defrag worked too, thanks a million!

Now I need to save my documents and my address book from Stamps.com. Should I use a data cd of floppie?

If you have a CD (or DVD) burner, you can do that; floppies will work too, but may take several depending on how much data you have to store. What I prefer these days is a USB flash drive, they're inexpensive and can hold a lot of information!

Great idea! I've heard about those...does it matter the size; 256, 512? I think they're relatively inexpensive too. Thanks again, you(and others) have been sooooo helpful. I really appreciate it

The USB "flash" drives are definitely handy, and given that they're also relatively inexpensive, you should probably go for the largest capacity that you can afford.

However- keep in mind that if the data you need to back up is important enough to you, you should also archive a redundant backup of the data onto a more permanent/longer-lasting type of media such as a CD. Blank CDs are cheap, so they're a good middle-ground between other storage media like floppies (really cheap, but less than 2M capacity and a very limited reliable "shelf-life") and DVDs (not cheap, but around 4G capacity and a long "shelf-life").

Yeah, what he said :)

Do you have a CD or DVD burner? If so, anything you would like to keep long term should be stored that way.

What size flash drive you get depends on how much you're willing to spend and how much data you intend to put on it. I have a 256MB that I carry around with me, but have never even come close to filling it even half way. I recently purchased a 4GB the I intend to keep near my computer for backups (not connected all the time, only when I want to save something).

Thanks guys, I think I'm going to go with the 256 based upon what you said regarding the amount of space I may need.

FYI: I spoke to someone at Office Depot and he said that a lot of the jump drives were returning that had either the key chain or the neck chain attachment. They have to trade them out because of the damage to the drive connection.

I do have a CD/DVD drive but really don't know the difference between the CD-R and CD+R. That's why I'll stick with the jump drive.

don't know the difference between the CD-R and CD+R.

All of those "dashes", "pluses", "R"s, and "W"s can get a bit confusing, can't they? :mrgreen:

"+R" and "+RW" are DVD formats only; the recordable (data) CD formats are "-R" and "-RW".

CD-R (CD-Recordable) disks/drives can record data, but only once; you cannot later erase/overwrite the data you've already written to disk.

CD-RW (CD-ReWritable) disks/drives can also record data; the difference being that, like a floppy, you can later erase that data and reuse the disk (many times, even).

Afternoon confusion !!

Blank DVD disks come in -R and +R and RW

blank CDs' come in R and RW

I do have a CD/DVD drive but really don't know the difference between the CD-R and CD+R. That's why I'll stick with the jump drive.

the way you write that it looks to me like a CD Burner , DVD player combo ,not a DVD burner ,so you wouldn't have to worry about DVD blank disk formats .

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