Go to the Start menu and click Run... Type in "regedit" without the quote marks, and hit enter. Navigate to HKEY_Local_Machine -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Current Version -> Run or RunOnce. Should look something like this in the path (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run)

Right click on the key (Run or RunOnce -- depending on where the value shows up) and export it to your desktop. Go to your desktop, right click on the registry file and click "Edit". Copy and paste the full entry in your next post.


For the moment, you can hold off on this instruction. MBA-M is taking a look at this. I will get back with you ASAP.

ok, cool. FYI... after every reboot there is a pop up from mba-m about running the program, and I need to continue or cancel

ok, cool. FYI... after every reboot there is a pop up from mba-m about running the program, and I need to continue or cancel

Vitally important that you give me the exact wording of this pop up. MBA-M people will need to know this.

ok, it says:

If you started this program, continue,

Malwarebytes Anti malware

c:\programfiles(x86) malwarebytes'Anti-malware mbam.exe"runcleanupscript

then i have to select
continue cancel

And what have you selected? Continue or Cancel?

actually , I selected cancel the last time, andthen ran the hjk, the log still displayed the file you mentioned previously.

Thanks! This is an odd happening lately with MBA-M so I have a question going on it over at MBA-M so I will give them this info.

A question, I don't see Windows Defender anywhere on there, is it on the computer and have you had it turned off? It is fine if you do have it turned off they just need to know if you do have it on the machine.

yes, Windows Defender is on the computer and active.

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