Good Morning!

I turned my computer on this morning and I get this nasty blue screen that says "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down..." It also gives me the following "technical information: ***STOP 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x8050D532, 0xF78BE3B8, 0F78BE0B4)
I've tried rebooting it in all possible modes (safe mode, last working mode, etc.) it keeps getting stuck on the blue screen.

I think I might have a bad case of some ugly virus. Can anyone lend a helping hand? Is my computer pretty much fried?

Thank you!


Does the error give you another line with a file name in it?

It would read something like;
abcdefg1234.sys- Address 123456 base at 1234c000, Datestamp 12b24bb2
That is just an example not a real file or address. But does your error show something like that? If so we need to see that also.

Good Morning!

I turned my computer on this morning and I get this nasty blue screen that says "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down..." It also gives me the following "technical information: ***STOP 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x8050D532, 0xF78BE3B8, 0F78BE0B4)
I've tried rebooting it in all possible modes (safe mode, last working mode, etc.) it keeps getting stuck on the blue screen.

I think I might have a bad case of some ugly virus. Can anyone lend a helping hand? Is my computer pretty much fried?

Thank you!


I got the same error believe it or not late last nite around say 1215am 2/10.

The only things that changed on my pc were I downloaded a very large file and all I can think is that I ran out of storage on my main drive (although the file was supposed to download to a separate external drive). The other thing was that it seemed like some Microsoft update needed to run or at least restart the pc to update. It did this as usual after 15 minutes and then bam - nothing. I tried booting from safe mode so that I can check out the main drive storage.

besides this error code no other information was made available. I"m thinking of maybe removing one Gig of Ram since I added 2 new gigs about 3-4 months ago. I realize this is not really a solution but nothing else seems to work at this point and in the great world of pcs - odd things like this have worked for me in the past.

There is no other file name as you describe.

The suggestion is to check your BIOS, adequate storage space, driver etc and to reboot in safe mode.

is there any other way to get the pc to just boot up to check out the storage space thing and delete some files?

please advise on any coure of action. My pal has windows 7 and said he had something similar recently. My theory is some bad MSoft update or something. ANy help appreciated.

I got the same error believe it or not late last nite around say 1215am 2/10.

You need to begin your own thread rather than hijack another persons.
Even though symptoms may be the same, no two computers are identical. Make your own thread and somebody will attempt to offer some help.

apologies - started my own thread. Just thought the error code and time of the BSOD were very coincidental. Best of Luck.

Does the error give you another line with a file name in it?

It would read something like;
abcdefg1234.sys- Address 123456 base at 1234c000, Datestamp 12b24bb2
That is just an example not a real file or address. But does your error show something like that? If so we need to see that also. is exactly what it says:
"a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screeen, restart your computer. If this screem appears again, follow these steps:

Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the Stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters.

Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components , restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup options, and then select Safe Mode.

Technical Information:
***Stop: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x8050D532, 0xF78BE3B8, 0xF78BE0B4)"

That is all that shows on the screen. No file name :(. I use Windows XP and I know that I have at least 50% free space on my disc... say thank you for replying! I really appreciate your help.:icon_smile:

Have you tried booting to Safe Mode? If the computer will boot up in safe mode then chances are it may be you have a corrupted driver or file.

I tried Safe Mode, but it takes me back to the ble screen. I also tried Last known Good Configuration, Safe Mode with Networking, and Safe Mode with Command Prompt. No luck.

Do you have the Recovery Disks? That sounds like it may be your only option. If the computer is still under warranty call the manufacturer. Even if it isn't still under warranty and you do not have the Recovery Disks you can usually request them from the manufacturer for a small fee and sometimes they will send them for free.

Do you have the Recovery Disks? That sounds like it may be your only option. If the computer is still under warranty call the manufacturer.

I do have recovery disks...if I run them, will it delete all of my files?

I do have recovery disks...if I run them, will it delete all of my files?

Yes, very likely it will.

Ghhrrr...oh well I have no warranty anymore, so I guess I have no choice...

Thank you for your help anyways. You guys are always very nice. Is there anything I can do for you? I know that there is a way to increase your reputation.

Just tell folks about us. Sorry I couldn't be more help but don't really see any other option.

You need to begin your own thread rather than hijack another persons.
Even though symptoms may be the same, no two computers are identical. Make your own thread and somebody will attempt to offer some help.

my computer died today feb11-2010 after i installed banch on new updates for win XP SP3
same error codes
no idea what to do
i don't think its a hijacking if few ppl have same errors it might help as it might be related to a certain microsoft update for example.

I read about 007e error, and Microsoft said on certain machines they can get this error (in win XP SP3 only, SP SP2 will work fine)
if you install windows OEM for Intel on computer with AMD CPU. in
my case i have Intel CPU so it is not related i guess....
or maybe my computer has windows xp OEM for AMD and now it's not working on intel CPU after this particular updates - i have no idea.
hope somebody will offer solution..
comp do not start in safe mode at all.... ;(

my computer died today feb11-2010 after i installed banch on new updates for win XP SP3
same error codes
no idea what to do
i don't think its a hijacking if few ppl have same errors it might help as it might be related to a certain microsoft update for example.

I read about 007e error, and Microsoft said on certain machines they can get this error (in win XP SP3 only, SP SP2 will work fine)
if you install windows OEM for Intel on computer with AMD CPU. in
my case i have Intel CPU so it is not related i guess....
or maybe my computer has windows xp OEM for AMD and now it's not working on intel CPU after this particular updates - i have no idea.
hope somebody will offer solution..
comp do not start in safe mode at all.... ;(

You need to begin your own thread rather than hijack another persons.
Even though symptoms may be the same, no two computers are identical. Make your own thread and somebody will attempt to offer some help.

2 jholland1964:
are you stupid or act like a stupid one?
check the internet buddy, this problem has been solved already and it is related to win xp update that been released few days ago
and this is not hijaking this is solving his and mine problems
as someone on other sites already did
this is called gathering information and taking appropriate actions as group , not as individuals
so dont mamble.

btw, to others:

this error related to recent winxp updates and you need to uninstall them via recovery console.
type you error codes in google search and you will see solved solutions

good luck

STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005,0x8050D532,0xF78A23B8,0xF78A20B4)

2 jholland1964:
are you stupid or act like a stupid one?
check the internet buddy, this problem has been solved already...

No I am not stupid nor do I act like a stupid one. My reply to you was because YOU piggy backed the following here in apotoczny's thread with a request of your own, NOT the solution to the problem....

i have no idea.
hope somebody will offer solution..
comp do not start in safe mode at all.... ;(

My reply to YOU and to snowkatz, who also piggy backed a question in this thread, is the policy of daniweb and clearly stated in the Forum Rules:

Please do NOT piggy back on another members thread, but create your very own thread where you will receive better assistance.

If you also read apotoczny's posts he says nothing about doing a Windows update prior to this happening.

this worked for me:

1. insert win xp installation CD , reboot . At propmt choose "recovery console"

(please note: on some winXP installation CD's where is no recovery console option - so use another installation CD)

2.log into Recovery Console
type password for administrator

3. Change directories to the uninstall directory of update:
At the C:\windows prompt, type "CD $NtUninstallKB977165$\spuninst" and press Enter.

4. Run in the uninstall script for that update:
At the prompt, type "BATCH spuninst.txt" and press Enter.
This executes the txt file as a batch script.

5. remove CD , reboot your computer, enjoy windows

all info was taken from

No I am not stupid nor do I act like a stupid one. My reply to you was because YOU piggy backed the following here in apotoczny's thread with a request of your own, NOT the solution to the problem....

My reply to YOU and to snowkatz, who also piggy backed a question in this thread, is the policy of daniweb and clearly stated in the Forum Rules:

If you also read apotoczny's posts he says nothing about doing a Windows update prior to this happening.

and what exactly did i request in my post ?
i merely reported that i have same issue (a third person, so the problem is probably common , not unique to the originator of the thread)

OH, and Also - did it ever occure to you that on some computers "do automatic updates" is ON??

and what exactly did i request in my post ?

i have no idea.
hope somebody will offer solution..

I will assume that you have a basic grasp of the English language so that when I say that, by your own admission in the above quote, you were asking for help, you will actually understand what is being written here.
Do not come here playing games and disparaging this forums helpers or you will find yourself on the wrong side of the forum rules.

i merely reported that i have same issue

As you can see, you did more than that, so stop being disingenuous.

This sounds like exactly the same thing that happened to me after downloading a Microsoft security update and restarting as directed. apotoczny: what kind of computer do you have? And what OS were you using? Mine is a Dell with XP. Still haven't fixed the problem.

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Just a recommendation to the afflicted in this thread, if you are unable to boot into your OS if you can try to get your hands on a copy of a program called Acronis. Most of the time you will be able to use it to access your computer's filesystem and pull off important files, so if it does come down to reinstall your system you don't lose everything. Just a tip.

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