I need some help. I have a Toshiba Laptop that when I shut it down the CPU fan won't stop running and now the computer won't start at all. Do I have a virus? If so what do I need to do to fix this problem?

I would suspect you have a bad power supply. Do you have any external devices connected? If so disconnect them and try to start it.

I need some help. I have a Toshiba Laptop that when I shut it down the CPU fan won't stop running and now the computer won't start at all. Do I have a virus? If so what do I need to do to fix this problem?

couple of things.

Try taking the battery out so they system shuts down properly

Make sure that the the fan is clean.

now take the power cable out as well (so there is no power at all)

now plug in again and start up.

If this works, check that you always shut the computer off when closing windows instead of the standby option, as some laptops cannot come back of standby without a full system power down and reset.

May not be the problem, but it is a common fault.

Philip Mc Donald

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