HELP ME! So my dad's compaq lappy died and he bought another one from his neighbor for $100. Turns out that thing is so bogged down with nasties it's not even remotely funny. I d/l'd MBAM and tried to update. ERROR 12092, can't update last database was 12/20/2010 so I thought whatever I'll just scan with this db and see what we get. Returned in excess of 100+ negative items. Rebooted and tried to update MBAM again. No luck, everything booted up 10x faster but then I realized that FireFox would not open and I already knew IE was hijacked.
So I then got the bright idea to try and update MBAM manually with mbam_rules.exe. I dl'd to a flash drive, along with adaware, and google chrome... At this point I was trying anything to get access to the internet.
I inserted the flash drive into the lappy and tried to execute the setup on each of the 3 programs. All that happened was I got the cmd prompt to flash then nothing.
Any ideas/suggestions?