
Yeah. You're busted, with one of those "We are the authorities and we have detected your illegal activities. Pay us a fine or you'll go to gaol!" viruses. Time to re-install your operating system, or better still, move to Linux where this sh!t doesn't happen.

I wouldn't say Linux doesn't get such stuff but the probability of that happening is significantly lower. Although, if you think about it userland 'nasties' would definitely increase if the amount of Linux users increases xD

@Slavi - yes Linux has its malware, mostly targeted at commercial enterprise systems, but it is much more difficult to pwn than Windows for one simple reason. When you set up a Windows system, the default user is given administrator privileges by default - no password required to get admin access. This is not the case with Linux. For root access (and many systems these days disallow root logins), you either need to su to root, or have sudo privileges, which still requires (by default - but this can be overridden if you know what you are doing) your password to get such access. Web servers are still a security weak point, and if people are going to host a web server they really need to be careful. As far as normal user systems are concerned, this is generally not an issue.

He might have the following: Crytowall 3.0, Crytowall 2.0, Powerliks trojan might be installed and TorLocker. If he has Cryptowall 3.0 srry mate but there is no decryption method available, but BleepingComputer is currently trying to make a decryptor.

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