How does Defender function and what are some of its key features for cybersecurity?

denizimmer commented: Defender offers security solutions for businesses, individuals, and cloud environments, providing pretty good cyber protection. +0

Plus anti-virus. It will also warn you if it suspects you may be installing potentially malicious software. It can occasionally be heavy-handed though. For example, I tried to install the latest version of Stickies (Zhorn Software) and it gave me a warning. I've been running Stickies for years and trust the software and the site. This should be resolved in a weeek or two as the Defender database is updated.

I have been running nothing but Defender on my laptops and the various machines I support for family/friends and have never had an infection.

The same way AVAST works is the same way Microsoft Windows Defender works. It's the main security guard that protects your system against any foreign attacks especially against virus. It's what I've always been using for my laptop.

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