have an annoyance that I i'd like to know a workaround for please:
-often/frequently/ nearly everytime i use MS 365 sign in or gmail sign in it takes me to a password reset. i have no wish to change my password { also previously did but it still kept wanting me to do so immediately after!]

how can i stop this please.
[working on a HP Z Book Win 10]

*sorry if this is a repeat question somewhere, i did a search and nothing came up

Which of the following things have you tried?

  1. Cleared the cache and deleted all cookies in your browser
  2. Tried with another browser
  3. Tried with a browser running in "safe" mode - ie, without a bunch of plugins potentially messing with things they shouldn't
  4. Tried with another computer

Are you using a proxy or VPN which presents a different IP address every time you try to connect? If your connection seems to come from random points around the world, that's a big red flag.

Do you have anything like 2-factor authentication, phone number, recovery email address etc to help secure your account?

Are you logged in multiple times (say your computer and your phone)?
When you've managed to log in, check how many other sessions you have.
Revoke them all except the current one.
If there are any you don't recognise, then follow the rest of the advice on that page about securing your account.

commented: thank you so much for replying. ive tried most of that except the latter parts. will give that a crack +0
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