The link below is of the previous forum (Internet Explorer) I was posting on, I received good advice from Catweazle but the problem I am having is still not fixed. So if anyone here can help me that would be great.

If you read the link below you will understand the problems I am having with IE6 SP1. Thanks.

OK, just out of curiosity try this. Control Panel --> Internet Options -->Connections Tab --> Lan Settings and select Automatically Detect Settings

May work, or it may not, if not let me know.

Sorry Paladine it didn't work. At the bottom of th window when I open Internet Explorer I get this line : res://C:\WINNT/system32\shdoclc.dll/dnserrror.htm....
Dunno if that is helpful or not but I guess it's better then nothing.
Any more ideas would be appreciated.

OK, are you using a firewall? Hardware or software?

Did you reboot and retry after doing what I initially suggested?

Did you try typing in an address (not the home page set for IE) and was it the same result?

OK, are you using a firewall? Hardware or software?

Did you reboot and retry after doing what I initially suggested?

Did you try typing in an address (not the home page set for IE) and was it the same result?

Oh man, the answer was right under my nose and I didn't even realize it, duhhhhhhh!!!!

Thanks a lot Paladine, it was my firewall that was not allowing access to IE. Good looking out. Thanks again.:)

Hey no problems dude. Glad you got things fixed!

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