several programs were installed on my computer when i try to open
them with command prompt they display the numbers in the column next to them

EGR55.BAT 166890
RHH49.COM 81598
LWB50.EXE 50378

if i try to open them w/ windows (xp version) the following message is displayed.

CS:053e IP:ffe2 OP:fe ff 1e 09 4f

this is displayed in a dialogue box which appears in front of the ?partiallY? opened program and I can see there is a lot more text than Just the numbers typed by dos. this text is a lot of bizarre characters.

these programs showed up at the same time as I discovered that some entity had
established a user account on my pc. can anyone tell me what this stuff least

so how did you get these programs from what you say they sound like they could be somesort of malware or virus.

Tip:consider posting this problem in either techsupport<winxp or security

several programs were installed on my computer when i try to open
them with command prompt they display the numbers in the column next to them

EGR55.BAT 166890
RHH49.COM 81598
LWB50.EXE 50378

I had these same files on my computer as well, albeit with different numbers. Maybe they store some kind of a count? I also had a hidden file called vz30fm-version which said the folder contained information related to a program called Vizimag. Have you installed this program ever?

Whew, you're pretty brave, running files when you don't know what they are. I'd have to suggest you do NOT use that tactic for trying to figure out what files are, since some infections could cost you all your data, not to mention the fact you could lose all your passwords and any credit card numbers you use on the web via a keystroke logging trojan you may infect yourself with.

Maybe you know this, perhaps this isn't your primary machine, or what have you, but I couldn't let this go by without commenting, just in case you didn't know just how nasty some of the bugs/trojans/virii/spyware/malware are. Hope you figure out what's up. Good luck!

btw, from what I can tell, Vizimag, (mentioned by bikeridder above), is a piece of software for rendering 2D images showing magnetic fields. Doesn't sound likely you have it, but then again...

Also, I'm noticing that the error you're getting above has to do with translating a 16bit piece of software to run on a 32bit version of WIndows. Apparently, the NT 16 bit virtual machine driver doesn't like whatever code those files are trying to execute. At the least, those files are probably meant to run on older versions of Windows, (which may or may not help you figure out what they are heheh).

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