I am new to Linux.I don't know anything about Linux . I have recently installed Fedora 10,I heard that files having extension .exe are invalid or can't be opened in Linux, but I also heard that there is a program in Linux which can open those files called wine.I want to install wine to access some windows programs.I searched in web for the solution,But i can't get its complete solution.So do you have any idea about it.Give me a complete process to install it.

WINE isnt very good, it will only run fairly basic windows programs, and not very well

> Give me a complete process to install it.
More complete than the "complete" instructions on the WINE homepage?

And if you're still stuck, they have FAQs and Forums and IRC channels and.......

WINE isnt very good, it will only run fairly basic windows programs, and not very well

Yeah, only a few insignificant programs like WoW, Photoshop CS3, Flash CS3, etc...

Well it cant run office or visual studio
And it cant run the vast majority of games

so therefore i would not say it is very good

>Well it cant run office
Which part of Office 2007 are you referring to? Word? Excell? PowerPoint? Or perhaps Outlook? Hmm.

>And it cant run the vast majority of games
It can run a few... But Wine isn't focused around gaming anyway.

>so therefore i would not say it is very good
Yeah, because not achieving 100% compatibility with Windows applications means it's crap. Why don't you try writing a Windows compatibility layer from scratch and get back to us when you're done.

Ooph! I'm asking about the method of installing wine and not about the list of the programs that wine can execute.

the "complete" instructions on the WINE homepage?
And if you're still stuck, they have FAQs and Forums and IRC channels and.......

Compile it from the source there

Alternatively on fedora use your package manager to install an rpm of it from somewhere, or use yum to download it


Ooph! I'm asking about the method of installing wine and not about the list of the programs that wine can execute.

I know this thread is a little old, but I just wanted to post some info on installing Wine.
First, while Wine can indeed run many Windows programs, the aim of linux is to use linux open-sourced programs as much as possible and try to leave closed-source applications to the way side.

That being said, I mainly use Wine to run World of Warcraft within Fedora 10 and Mepis 8. Of course I have used it with other linux distros also. And yes, if you must, you can run MS Office with it as well. But, I don't need to since OpenOffice (free from Sun) is just
as capable.
Installing Wine in Fedora is easy... no need to compile anything.. :D

Just click on the System menu, Administration> Add & Remove., than just type Wine in the search box, check the install box, and click install.... simple huh.... ;)

Hi my friend, just download wine, it depends o the extension you have downloaded. If it is .tar extract wine then move into the directory type ./configure
then make all and finally make install. I hope this will assist you. You can also use the cross over software it can assist you. Thanks
regards robert

Hi my friend, just download wine, it depends o the extension you have downloaded. If it is .tar extract wine then move into the directory type ./configure
then make all and finally make install. I hope this will assist you. You can also use the cross over software it can assist you. Thanks
regards robert

Once again, there is NO need to do all of that. Just see my previous posting to EASILY install Wine in Fedora. ;)

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