I can not seem to access any of my fat32 hdd partitions. My computer is dual boot WindowsXP/Fedora Core 4. Xp sees alll the partions fine, but Fedora Core, nothing. My /mnt directory is empty, and I seem to remember some other Linux distro having an fdisk command which allowed you to see all the devices that you could mount, but that doesn't seem to work in Fedora Core 4. Any help would be appericated. If you need any further info, such as hardware configurations of settings, let me know and I'll post them.

Yeah, I actually figured this out a while ago. Big duh on me. Thanks anyways!


So is the problem figured out?

My FC3 does have fdisk available to me... I do not have FC4 installed on anything yet. You might need to install a package to get the needed utility. You can look on rpmfind.net for the fdisk package, and it will tell you what package it is a part of (perhaps diskutil?)




So is the problem figured out?

My FC3 does have fdisk available to me... I do not have FC4 installed on anything yet. You might need to install a package to get the needed utility. You can look on rpmfind.net for the fdisk package, and it will tell you what package it is a part of (perhaps diskutil?)



Yeah, I got everything all figured out. I was looknig in /mnt for my devices, instead of /dev. Also I don't think I was runnig fdisk -l as root. Once I figured those things out, I was able to mount with no problems. Now I just have to edit my fstab so I don't have to mount everything after rebooting.

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