I'm attempting to compile a software package (http://www.freeusp.org/) on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.3), and unfortunately, the Makefile cannot find an include that is required for compilation. In the /trcgp/ directory is a Makefile with the following:
include ${DEPTROOT}/etc/gmake.init
In my .bash_profile file, I have the following:
FreeUSP=/Users/nkinar/common/FreeUSP/FreeUSP-1.05; export FreeUSP
From the bash prompt, I've checked and found that the $DEPTROOT variable is indeed set:
$ echo $DEPTROOT
However, after running make in the /trcgp/ directory, I receive the following error:
$ make
Makefile:13: /etc/gmake.init: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/etc/gmake.init'. Stop.
Since gmake is not found on a Mac OS X system, I've created a symlink to the make utility, but this does not seem to resolve the problem:
$ which gmake
$ which make
Why is this Makefile not working, and what can I do to ensure that the $DEPTROOT variable is accessible to the Makefile?