I am a newbie in linux. After installing ubuntu 10.04, I tried to install google talk in linux.
For this, I installed Wine and then downloaded the gtalk exe. But when I am trying to open the gtalk exe using Wine, it blocks the application with message it is not an exe and hence blocked.
Any suggestion is appreciated.

wine may harm your system because it allow the exe to run and virus attacking chances increases, so avoid wine n search for an alternative.

you could use pidgin and sign in to your google account from there. pidgin accepts all different types of protocols (e.g. msn, gtalk, aim, etc)

Empathy is another program on Ubuntu which also uses several different chat protocols.

Up in the top bar of 10.04 and 10.10, there is an image of an envelope.
If you click on the envelope, a context menu will pop up and there will be an entry in there that says 'chat' (or 'set up chat accounts' if you haven't used it before)

If you click on this it will start Empathy and you can set up any chat accounts you have. If you've already got some chat accounts set up, you can simply start Empathy, add a new account and enter the details for your google account. Once that's done, you can chat to any of your online contacts on google chat... simple!

Empathy is also integrated into the desktop. Once you've started Empathy you can set your online status (available, away, offline etc) from the top bar of the desktop too!

Give executable permissions to googletalk-setup.exe file by

sudo chmod 755 googletalk-setup.exe

Try installing googletalk-setup.exe with wine in ubuntu ... gtalk will be installed for ubuntu but you will endup in getting run-time issue for gtalk

Why do you need to install gtalk when you have a lot of choices?
Like Pidgin, Empathy, Gmail Gtalk Widget, or like Meebo.

Thanks buddies for your suggession. Based on your suggession, I am using Empathy as my chat client and I am really enjoying it as I can login to my multiple client at the same time. But now I am facing a problem. I can't voice chat like the same way I do in Yahoo msgr or gtalk. When i am trying to call friend from Emptahy, the friend can hear me, but I can't. Do I need to install any plugin for the voice chat? I guess google or yahoo doesn't have any plugins for voice chat in linux.

Thanks buddies for your suggession. Based on your suggession, I am using Empathy as my chat client and I am really enjoying it as I can login to my multiple client at the same time. But now I am facing a problem. I can't voice chat like the same way I do in Yahoo msgr or gtalk. When i am trying to call friend from Emptahy, the friend can hear me, but I can't. Do I need to install any plugin for the voice chat? I guess google or yahoo doesn't have any plugins for voice chat in linux.

Please take a look at this article:

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