am having a difficult time trying to install youtube downloader to linux mint 9,is there any possible way i can do that

sudo apt-get install

I believe those are not application but an add-on for Mozilla Firefox. By the way I am using DownloadHelper.

Even better, go to KeepVid and get their bookmarket so that you don't clutter FF with add-ons.

If you are using some older Browsers-- you can actually buffer the video in your browser and then simply go to your /tmp folder and inside you will see, "Flash" followed by some random letters and numbers. That file is actually the buffered flv file. You can simply copy and paste it from the temp file and view it in any video player.

Even better, go to KeepVid and get their bookmarket so that you don't clutter FF with add-ons.

I have used this with success.

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