I've been using rsync and or luckybackup for a while now to sync my desktop's music library to my micro sd card for my digital music player. Today I noticed that my music player wasn't showing one of my albums so I've started investigating and I've found that it's not the music player but is more likely to be rsync, but I don't understand how or why. After syncing I check the sd card manually and sure enough this album is still not beeing synced.
On my computer all of my music is stored at /home/me/media/music/*
inside of this last music directory there are two various artists directories, one is uppercase and one is lower case for the word artists. Variouse Artists & Variouse artists. The weird thing is my sd card is only getting the contents of the 'Various artists' directory that's on my desktop but on my sd card the directory is called 'Various Artists' and there is not 'Various artists' directory listed at all on my sd card. So I'm only getting one of the two copies on my sync and it's filled with the contents that the other one is filled with on my computer. In this case I used luckbackup but it uses rysnc, I'll past the code below. Any ideas? Thanks. Oh, and sd card is fat32.
rsync -h --progress --stats -r -t --modify-window=1 --delete-after --delete-excluded --exclude=**/lost+found*/ --exclude=**/*Trash*/ --exclude=**/*trash*/ /home/me/media/music/ /media/me/MEDIA-SD/