Ok i have a 486DX something (around 20-50mhz) with 10mb ish of RAM and about 0.5 gigs of HDD space. I would like X if possible. Can anyone reccomend any distros?

P.S I will need boot floppies - it has no NIC either

yeah im gonna have a look at that. Maybe minix?

ah, problem. i cant make the disks as my xp machine has no floppy drive

I hate the name of this Linux, so I've never tried it, but from what I've heard, it's pretty good:

i cant make the disks as my xp machine has no floppy drive

Uh, oh.... what are you going to do? Maybe a friend has a computer you can use to make a boot floppy?

im impressd but i dont think ive got enough ram for x - anyone know if i can get isos and flopp images of say, debian potato or redhat 4 anymore? - security isnt an issue as the machine has never seen the net

i know you can download rh 6.2 but 1 would be better. anyonme know anywhere?

no the stupid installer needs 24mb
may try freebsd 2.2 or minix

i have also the your problem
i have hp vectra pc to install freebsd , it runs ok
if you have more question you can add my msn to chat
about bsd

BasicLinux 3.5

This is an excellent small distro that should suit what you describe. It is compatible with early Slackware, and has JWM for an optional X.


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