Honestly I don't have much experience with Linux, but for the past three days all I have been trying to do is get Ubuntu and Kubuntu to at least LOOK decent.

I've tested Sabayan and OpenSuse. I mean, I haven't relly gona as far as testing the operating system's functionality and features. I've learned some commands and I think I know some but...

I mean, the OS' are just ugly. They are not sleek at all.
One thing I CAN say with confidence is that there are no Linux apps that are better than any Windows or Mac version.
I can say that with confidence knowing that noone can say any different.

>I mean, the OS' are just ugly. They are not sleek at all.
What window manager are you using? I find KDE and Gnome very attractive, especially considering the wealth of themes that are available for them. You may want to look at www.kde-look.org and www.gnome-look.org for themes that will make your window manager look less "ugly".

>One thing I CAN say with confidence is that there are no Linux apps
>that are better than any Windows or Mac version.
Only registered users can view the thread. Care to summarize it for us?

you are wrong :-)

you are wrong :-)

My opinion is wrong?

what are these apps?
Is there a better compiler collection than gcc?
Is there a better shell than bash?
Is there a better editor than emacs ;-) ?
Is there a better wm than ratpoison or evilwm? (for my tastes that is)
Is there cooler special effects than beryl?
Is there a better web server than apache?
Is there a better OS dev VMmachine than bochs?
Is there a better browser than firefox?
Is there a better email client than mutt?
Is there a better assembler than gas?

I think not.

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>I mean, the OS' are just ugly

ugly? yup

your right those video links were totally ugly!

And you call this not ugly?

And you call this not ugly?

That's XP bare-bones bro.
That's not even the default XP out the box look.
Vista is the current Windows OS and it's pretty nice looking out the box even though it's an OSX rip.
I mean, it's the second nicest, sleekest looking OS.

>Is there a better compiler collection than gcc?
Subjective. VS and XCode are both good for their respective platforms. I know they're IDEs, but that's what people tend to care about.
>Is there a better shell than bash?
Subjective. Some people prefer features of csh, ksh or zsh, or else they wouldnt get used.
>Is there a better editor than emacs ;-) ?
Of course. It's called vim. :P
>Is there a better wm than ratpoison or evilwm? (for my tastes that is)
Highly subjective, as you noted. I prefer something that does look decent and a little mouse movement won't kill a guy.
>Is there cooler special effects than beryl?
Subjective. I found beryl to be too distracting/too much hassle to get the way I wanted and so I got rid of it. Both Aqua and Aero are nice looking without requiring any configuration and without being obstructive.
>Is there a better web server than apache?
Subjective. IIS is much easier to deal with if you want to develop with .NET technologies. As to which is more secure, I'll leave the discussion to people who know more than I.
>Is there a better OS dev VMmachine than bochs?
Never heard of it till now. Most people probably aren't worried about OS development though. :icon_wink:
>Is there a better browser than firefox?
Subjective. Firefox does have issues.
>Is there a better email client than mutt?
Subjective. I'd take Outlook or Thunderbird instead.
>Is there a better assembler than gas?
Subjective, but most people probably don't need to worry about an assembler. Hell, I used gcc when I needed one.

Linux is not for everyone. OS X is not for everyone. Windows is not for everyone. However, each of them is a great fit for certain people.

commented: Good for you. +13

Honestly I don't have much experience with Linux, but for the past three days all I have been trying to do is get Ubuntu and Kubuntu to at least LOOK decent.

I've tested Sabayan and OpenSuse. I mean, I haven't relly gona as far as testing the operating system's functionality and features. I've learned some commands and I think I know some but...

I mean, the OS' are just ugly. They are not sleek at all.
One thing I CAN say with confidence is that there are no Linux apps that are better than any Windows or Mac version.
I can say that with confidence knowing that noone can say any different.

My desktop with a few apps open.

If your windows is any nicer looking please post it. I call BS until then.

ok you have points. Oh and with beryl Im talking about the "coolness" factor (I personally _hate_ beryl but it is the "coolest"). "Traditional" linux or unix is not for everyone but with ubuntu, linux just got a lot easier (of course I hate ubuntu). In fact, I think many users would consider ubuntu easier. For example lets say my grandma wants to use a computer: would I install Windows or Ubuntu? Ubuntu hands down, no spyware, and no viruses(or is it viri?).

> If your windows is any nicer looking please post it. I call BS until then.

Mines really ugly!

> If your windows is any nicer looking please post it. I call BS until then.

Mines really ugly!

So long as you're productive and efficient it doesn't matter how it looks.

Of course you get marked down for using emacs and not vim :)


Isnt MC sooooo the best shell ever ????

are you talking about midnight commander?

yep it reminds me of the days of the MSDOS shell and novell (or was it norton?) file manager . For working on servers it kicks ass.

I think it was norton....

I like MC, but for some reason it doesnt display correctly over SSH

sinjix_media: yup, you have (almost) no experince in this area ("linux desktop"), so your conclusion is wrong. that's all. use exclusively linux on desktop for year and than you (will? - i'm too bad in english :-( ) get answers on all you questions ....

I agree. There are a few things that bug me though, such as the lack of integrated solutions. Someone really needs to make a version of amarok has has built in rip,sync, tv and burn. like windows media player does. usin gmany fifferent apps is annoying

but that is the unix philosophy correct? No integrated solutions?

Maybe KDE4 (phonon) will take care of this. But it's not generic problem, when it comes to user interface, KDE integration is fantastic, and there is nothing in whole computer world, what could beat it.

I got kde4 from thier CVS. Cant say i really liked it, but it willl be a good upgrade. Im more a GNOME man myself, i find that it "just works"

linus torvalds said that gnome was for g'retards. (apparently he likes kde)

I like gnome.

good gnome things:

  • Easier than KDE to install themes etc....
  • I prefer GDM to KDM
  • "Just works"
  • Uses less RAM than KDE

Good kde things:

  • Lots more configuration that Gnome
  • I think that some of the kde apps are better
  • Very up to date and cutting edge
  • The control centre is great, gnome needs something like that - i find individual cofniguration apps annoying.

i find gnome very customizable, and KDE is just uses a lot more system resources. I also find beryl distracting, which is why i'm not productive when using it.

might i add that technically linux isn't an OS, it's a kernel.

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