Does iPad Mean Death to Kindle

Techwriter10 0 Tallied Votes 769 Views Share

Yesterday, after the iPad announcement, many folks Tweeted that it's the end of the line for the Amazon Kindle as if it were a fait accomplis. I'm not convinced that's true, but it does raise questions about the utility of the single-purpose device, and whether you want your eBook Reader to serve up more than just books.

Kindle Experience Looks Blah Now

Both the Kindle and the Nook from Barnes & Noble suddenly look a little pedestrian now next to the iPad. Apple has a funny way of making other devices look second rate. It's one the company's core strengths. Although I haven't seen it, based on experience, you just know the iPad is going to have a killer display, and it's full color, so it already has something going for it, that at least right now, neither of those devices have.

Blogs and web content look horrible in black and white eBook Readers, especially if you use pictures in your posts. The fact is, the Kindle and Nook have been designed with a single purpose in mind, and that's to read books (and of course sell books for their respective manufacturers). There is nothing inherently wrong with that. In fact, interface expert Jakob Nielsen absolutely loved the book reading experience on the Kindle 2, which is high praise indeed.

More eBook Readers On the Way

The Kindle, Nook and Sony Reader are also about to be joined by close to a dozen competitors this year, according to reports from the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month. So the first wave of devices is about to get a face full of competition from all sides. The increased competition should drive down prices and force the early companies back to the proverbial drawing board to come up with something to compel people to keep buying their products. This should ultimately be good news for consumers, who should see more functionality at a lower price (and perhaps it will force Amazon to drop its silly proprietary book format).

Price Versus User Experience

It comes down to what you want from your gadget. Commuters may be looking for a low-cost single function item to read books and newspapers content. Others may want a full color experience with access to apps, music, video and games you can get from Apple. It seems to me if Apple is offering all of this functionality in a single device, even if it costs substantially more, that Sony, B&N and Amazon will soon follow suit. At the very least, I expect they will enter in partnerships and agreements to make their products more attractive to consumers.

Does the iPad mark the death of the Kindle and its competitors? I very much doubt it. I think it probably marks the beginning of a period of healthy competition where these manufacturers respond to Apple and upgrade their features accordingly. This should be great news to consumers who will be the real winners when the dust settles.

sheva249 -1 Newbie Poster

I personally thinks so. I think apple is more trustworthy brand name as compare to the amazon. also fells far batter then the kindle.

Techwriter10 42 Practically a Posting Shark

I think we have to wait and see how Amazon responds to the new competition. If they can update the Kindle and compete with Apple on price and functionality, it will be a battle. If they sit around and do nothing, they will become an afterthought in gadget history.

Thanks for your thoughts.


allis0njane 0 Newbie Poster

thanx for the post
i must say that iPad is so great, that i might be the end of Kindle

Ivovis 0 Newbie Poster

The iPad does not compete with the Kindle, simply because its at least three times the price.

I think the more important point is the affect it will have on Amazons book selling market share, The iPad gives Apple access to a market that Amazon has dominated up until now.

janellelk -1 Newbie Poster

I personally think the iPad is the death of Kindle. Despite that fact that the iPad is significantly more expensive than Kindle.. Kindle doesn't offer the same user experience or brand loyalty that the iPad does. :( Sorry Kindle.. thanks for being the pioneer. I guess Apple will take over from here.

jingda commented: don't revive a zombie thread -1
MissTahr 0 Newbie Poster

The iPad does not mean the death of Kindle. They are aimed at different demographics. The kindle is aimed at readers, people who like to read plain black text on an unbacklit while page, those who like to read novels. The Kindle serves them quite nicely, right down to the fact that the battery lasts up to a whole month.

The iPad does have the iBookstore, and also many publishers have released interactive books as apps, but most apps are not book-based, they're games etc.

The iPad will continue to fail as an ereader due to the 30% Apple Tax that Apple want to slap on in app sales, this could be the death of Kindle on the iPad, if not the death of the iPad as an ereader. What reader want is quality content on their device, for cheap. This greedy 30% demand will make this much more difficult for publishers to come up with and stay in profit.

The iPad should be better for magazines, but the 30% tax will make it difficult for magazine publishers to stay in profit, subsidizing the cover price with advertising space sales, like in printed magazines, doesn't work well on digital, with readers screening out the ads rather than accepting them as part of the experience.

The readers, of novels at least, will vote with their feet and stick with Kindle.

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