iPhone 4 Carrier Unlock Released. Ultrasn0w Updated in Cydia

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Once an iPhone firmware is jailbroken, it is only a matter of time before the hackers that be are able to unlock the phone as well. Late last night, a group of iPhone hackers, the Dev-Team, released an update for their app, ultrasn0w. This allows people to remove the carrier restrictions and use the iPhone on any other supported carrier. It is only compatible with iPhone 4 baseband 01.59 and 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04. If you have no idea what a baseband is, do some research , or reconsider the unlock all together. Again, this process is only meant for people trying to use an iPhone on a carrier other than AT&T.

Enabling the unlock is easy and only slightly more complicated than the jailbreak method released on Monday. First of all, you have to jailbreak your phone. In order to do that, just head to www.jailbreakme.com in Safari on your phone, and follow the instructions. After the phone reboots and you've successfully jailbroken the device, open the third-party app store, Cydia. It will check for updates when you first open it. Let Cydia finish updating and reload before the next step.

Once Cydia is finished updating, click “Manage”, then “Sources”, then “Edit” in the top right corner, followed by “Add” on the top left. You then want to enter the address for the software repository that contains, repo666.ultrasn0w.com. Once that's added, allow Cydia to reload data once again. Finally search for ultrasn0w, install the app, and let your phone restart.
[youtube]_5cvPyVGzgU[/youtube]Et Voila! You can now use your phone on a non-AT&T supported carrier, which if you live in the US, would be T-Mobile. The sad news, of course, is that T-Mobile uses non-standard 3G frequencies and will only achieve 2G/Edge speeds on the iPhone. I have used T-Mobile with my iPhone 3G for over a year and it's something I've gotten used to. I just pretend that 3G is a myth, and go about my day.

[ Engadget]