Hi. If anyone has multiple partitions (computer with Macintosh OS X) then please can u give me the output of system_profiler SPSerialATADataType command on the terminal?

If system_profiler SPSerialATADataType doesn't give any output then try one of the following:
system_profiler SPIDEDataType
system_profiler SPSerialSCSIDataType

Whichever command out of these three gives an output, please tell me what the output is. On my system i m having only 1 partition. I just want to know what the format of output is for multiple partitions. The output that i m getting on my system is as follows (for command system_profiler SPIDEDataType):


ATA-4 Bus:


Capacity: 37.27 GB
Model: ST340015A
Revision: 3.01
Serial Number: 5LAAKJCV
Removable Media: No
Detachable Drive: No
BSD Name: disk0
Protocol: ATA
Unit Number: 0
Socket Type: Internal
OS9 Drivers: Yes

Macintosh HD:

Capacity: 37.27 GB
Available: 15.96 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: Journaled HFS+
BSD Name: disk0s9
Mount Point: /

ATA-3 Bus:


Model: HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8522B
Revision: 1.02
Serial Number:
Drive Type: CD-ROM
Removable Media: Yes
Detachable Drive: No
Protocol: ATAPI
Unit Number: 0
Socket Type: Internal

I guess the previous post of mine is lengthy and that's why people may not be reading it just by seeing its length. So to summarize:
i want someone, having multiple partitions on computer with macintosh as the operating system to try these 3 commands on the terminal. what is the output?

system_profiler SPSerialATADataType
system_profiler SPIDEDataType
system_profiler SPSerialSCSIDataType

hf-mini:~ hf$ system_profiler SPSerialATADataType

Intel ICH7-M AHCI:

Vendor: Intel
Product: ICH7-M AHCI
Speed: 1.5 Gigabit
Description: AHCI Version 1.10 Supported


Capacity: 111.79 GB
Model: WDC WD1200BEVS-00RST0
Revision: 04.01G04
Serial Number: WD-WXEY07153985
Native Command Queuing: Yes
Queue Depth: 32
Removable Media: No
Detachable Drive: No
BSD Name: disk0
OS9 Drivers: No
S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
Capacity: 10.88 GB
Available: 10.85 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: Journaled HFS+
BSD Name: disk0s2
Mount Point: /Volumes/pending
Capacity: 10.88 GB
Available: 7.58 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: Journaled HFS+
BSD Name: disk0s3
Mount Point: /
Capacity: 89.47 GB
Available: 69.35 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: HFS+
BSD Name: disk0s4
Mount Point: /Volumes/WD-BIG
Capacity: 10.88 GB
Available: 10.85 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: Journaled HFS+
Capacity: 10.88 GB
Available: 7.58 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: Journaled HFS+
Capacity: 89.47 GB
Available: 69.35 GB
Writable: Yes
File System: HFS+

hf-mini:~ hf$ system_profiler SPIDEDataType
hf-mini:~ hf$ system_profiler SPSerialSCSIDataType

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