I'm new to DaniWeb and I hope that someone can help me solve an issue. My iBook G4 1.2 GHz machine is almost twice as fast as my PowerMac G4 tower 1.8 GHz machine. Why would that be? I suspect that part of the problem with the PowerMac is with its original ATI Rage 128 Pro video card, but I've ordered a new Radeon 9200 AGP card. Could the bus speed slowing the PowerMac down that much? Is there anything that I can do to speed up the machine? I really do like the old PowerMac and can't afford to purchase anything new just now (both machines are running OS 10.4.11). Thanks for any help. Max1945

RAM makes a big difference, more the better & check whats running in the background using up cpu cycles.
This utility is good for finding out whats going on.
App Stop.

RAM makes a big difference, more the better & check whats running in the background using up cpu cycles.
This utility is good for finding out whats going on.
App Stop.

Tthanks for the advice and info. I'll definitely give it a try.


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