I made a mistake installing this software, thinking it was a good program. The author of the software does not respond to email (per his instructions to email him with any questions or problems) and it bogs down my machine and doesn't perform at all like is purported. He says there is an uninstaller, but I have yet to find it. I have searched the forums on this question, only to find others that want to uninstall it, yet only get reponses such as 'Why would you want to uninstall such a fine program?'
I get the feeling that there might be more to this software than meets the eye.
I have 'securely' deleted all that had the peer gaurdian name, but I'm pretty sure there is more. Could be wrong, but why would I need an uninstaller if all I have to do is trash what I can see?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
eMacs 10 3.6


It is possible that the program installed materials into your system folder tree, perhaps into some of the library files.

I would also agree that if your emails to the author are not being returned, or are harassing, unloading the software is a great idea.

If you start loosing sleep over it though, backup your data and format the hard drive. That is the only way to be SURE it is gone.



It is possible that the program installed materials into your system folder tree, perhaps into some of the library files.

I would also agree that if your emails to the author are not being returned, or are harassing, unloading the software is a great idea.

If you start loosing sleep over it though, backup your data and format the hard drive. That is the only way to be SURE it is gone.


I have seen some recent oddities when right clicking on certain images, telling me that people are writing new types of code to keep their images from being saved. Not that the images go anywhere but my desktop slideshow. I just get the feeling it may be written by someone at RIAA or MPAA. Guess it's back to legal cassette decks and VCRs until they realize this is basically the same. As we went through this legality issue with the advent of those machines too.


If you are seeing this, I would save the data NOW, and format NOW. You might have some sort of timebomb virus ticking away in there waiting to grab you when you least expect it. Yes, for peace of mind, I would zap it.



If you are seeing this, I would save the data NOW, and format NOW. You might have some sort of timebomb virus ticking away in there waiting to grab you when you least expect it. Yes, for peace of mind, I would zap it.


Please consider me computer illiterate. I'm 46 and have had one pc from my father before deciding that Mac was the way to go for photographic reasons. i have no support with macs other than what I read and my AppleCare on my 2 eMacs.
You amplify 'NOW'. What I saw, maybe misunderstood by you. I was just emphasizing certain sites that I have visited that someone has written code so you cannot save a photo. "How dare you", "I told you not to stroke her."
Those are samples of what I was referring to.
Madonna had a similar code on a video that just had a middle finger in the video.
I know nothing about reformatting, and little about saving what I need to save to my exterior 60gig drive. I have done an archive and install with tier one support on my first eMac and it ruined it. After haggling with Apple and eventually contactacting Steve Jobs, Apple payed for the repair, even though it was software related(supposedly). Seems that what I save to the external drive may have imbedded stuff that I need to get rid of. How does one tell?
I have basically nothing on my machine, other than personal and professional photos, that I can't live without, or get back again (except for the idea of paying again for software that I bought. I don't think those companies care that I had to delete their software to rid my system of some obscure junk. Maybe wrong there, don't know.
I greatly appreciate your help. Tell me I need a deep computer course on macs. And where can that be found for cheap in Atlanta?

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