So I've been using my Powerbook for about four months now and you couldn't take it away from me without violence. I've been able to fix the few minor problems that I've had by simply consulting this forum.
In fact, the only REAL problem with my entire Mac experience so far has been getting the thing physically into my possession.
You see, I'm in the military and am stationed in Afghanistan. All our mail goes to an Armed Forces Post Office (APO), which is a part of the USPS. Apple will only ship with UPS and Fedex, who will not ship to APOs because at some point they would have to work with USPS, who they compete with.
To get my Powerbook, I had to spend literally months looking on Ebay before I found a sellar I trusted who had what I was looking for and who would actually ship to an APO. And, I wasn't able to get the government employee, educational and veteran's discounts that I would have gotten had I been able to order from Apple. It's the same story with every add-on and piece of software I want to order.
So, my request is this: please drop Apple a line and tell them to change this ridiculous shipping policy. Hundreds of thousands of military personnel and DOD civilians are being denied access to these exceptional computers because of it.