Someone appears to have changed the display on monitor to upside down. Running OSX 10.4 - anyone any ideas about getting it back to right way up??

Can't you just lift the monitor and turn it right side up?

Someone appears to have changed the display on monitor to upside down. Running OSX 10.4 - anyone any ideas about getting it back to right way up??

It is pretty simple. I am sorry I joined late and hence could not reply you earlier. after you start your computer (assuming still you are facing up side down pictures in your monitor) please press ctrl=alt+ up arrow on your keyboard. the screen will go blank for few seconds and your problem will be solved.

happy computing


This is the first I have heard of an image coming forth upside-down. I don't have Tiger, but would love to verify the little arrow trick.


It is pretty simple. I am sorry I joined late and hence could not reply you earlier. after you start your computer (assuming still you are facing up side down pictures in your monitor) please press ctrl=alt+ up arrow on your keyboard. the screen will go blank for few seconds and your problem will be solved.

happy computing

Thank you very much. This totally befuddled us and your fix was great.

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