I was disappointed to find that spotlight doesn't seem to search inside hypercard stacks or WriteNow files--and I've got a lot of both. Is there a plugin or other fix?


Ah. Hypercard! I remember those days. Very useful document format.

I looked around Apple's site, and found:


Which talks about how Spotlight works, and inner details about it, but it did not mention Hypercard as a supported file type. It did leave links on how you could write your own import scheme. Not sure if you are a programmer or not, but this might be of interest to you.



Ah. Hypercard! I remember those days. Very useful document format.

I looked around Apple's site, and found:


Which talks about how Spotlight works, and inner details about it, but it did not mention Hypercard as a supported file type. It did leave links on how you could write your own import scheme. Not sure if you are a programmer or not, but this might be of interest to you.


Thanks! Unfortunately the only coding/scripting I've done is in Hypertalk :-| . I'll keep hoping somebody else writes a plug-in for Spotlight.

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