I upgraded from 10.3.2 to 10.3.3. After the upgrade I restarted.
The monitor had not given me any problems prior to the upgrade. The monitor was fine before I restarted. Since I restarted I get nothing from my B&W G3 on the monitor.
The computer beeps. The LED on the monitor turns green. I get the usual message "DMS OFF MODE". Then the LED turns yellow. When I boot from the instalation CD I can tell the CD is still running so I suppose that the computer is booting, but nothing on the monitor. If I turn the monitor off, when I turn it back on I get a momentary green LED and a message "DPMS SUSPEND MODE".

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

It turns out that the graphics card in my B&W G3 is not compatable with OS10.3. :sad:
If I boot into OS9 and then into OS10.3 then the monitor works, but I can not start directly into OS10.3 when my previous boot was into OS10.3. An Apple product specilist helped me figured this out.

My only option other that going throug OS9 each time I boot is to buy another graphics card. One is on the way.


That can happen from time to time during upgrades... especially with the older hardware that you and I have (Powerbook G3 Lombardi). Sorry to hear of the grief, but yes, that is the likely cause.

When you are done with OS X on this machine, you might want to consider YellowDogLinux. YDL is snappy on the older hardware, and it is along the lines of RedHat that the Intel people work with.


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