I've tried everything i know, but my mail won't launch, disk utilities/repair won't launch, 10.3.4 updater/installer won't launch, otherwise all's well on my Mac. How can I reinstall 10.3 or 10.3.4 now that I've updated to 10.3.4?




If you reboot to the CD-ROM, you can re-install. YOu need to make sure that you backup your data first. Once that is done, you can boot the CD-ROM, and using the disk utility, re-format the disk, and then re-install to it.

If you do this, you WILL LOSE information on that disk. If you have partitions, you will only lose that one partition (which is why I favor having a system partition, and a data partition).


Thanks for the reply and info. I'm hoping, wishing and hoping, that I can just repair the problem without having to back everything up, reformat and reinstall.
Any ideas why it's only my mail, Disk Utility, yahoo messenger, and things like the installer, that are freezing up? Everything else seems fine. (!) (?)


It is possible that something in the update to 10.3.4 has broken. I do not know exactly what 10.3.4 addresses.

You might be able to boot with the CD-ROM and run the disk utility from there. It could be a disk permissions problem. Give that a try.... boot up with that CD and run the disk utility. Click the Repair Permissions button.

Let us know.


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