I like hacking my OS to make it even cooler, 7 won't allow me do that.
that said, it still has the same problem as Vista which had the 95 to XP support removed.
(meaning my drivers for my GCN/PS2/XBox controller converter don't work on 7)
UAC still sucks, Active Desktop (HTML Desktop BG) was removed, and alot of good support that XP had was also removed.
I can at least add the new 7 support to XP and get the best of both worlds.
though MS decided to bamf XP64 a bit and a few of the programs that worked on XP86 now don't work.
yea, I've used Windows since 95 to 7, and I STILL say XP is the best.
7's driver support CAN be added to XP, but if you think MS is gonna do it, you can think again...
all they want to do is push their sugar-coated monkey-poop forward and bamf the REAL gem of an OS.
why do they want to do this?
the simple answer is money...
money in which they don't deserve IMO.
just look at that horrid XBox One mocking them at every turn.
I want Bill Gates back =3=
he made the REAL stuff.
another article I threw a punch at MS on: