Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

I draw the line, though, at rummaging through people's transh cans -- never know what you might find.

^ got myself a 232GB HDD from a DVR. =3
(sadly now it's age took it's toll and it shorts out) =3=

to get back with the topic, a good series of programs to use with your XP installetion:
- Acronis True Image (crack with Pro Liscense key) (backup after every change)
- Comodo Firewall
- Avast Antivirus (make sure you turn off the internet shield)
- Comodo Dragon (block all cookies and JS and run virtual when just browsing)

download an update pack instead of using Windows Update
(avoid using Windows-default software)

if you want to go an extra step, replace your shell and file browser. ;)
I use SharpEnviro and CubicExplorer
(not using explorer.exe will confuse some of those nasty viruses if they do manage to get past your barriers)

there's prbly more layers I could add to the security,
but I'm not sure what... >_>

LaxLoafer 71 Posting Whiz in Training

Firewalls and anti-virus software aren't going to protect you. Sooner or later a vulnerability will be discovered in Windows XP and Microsoft is not going to patch it. That's what they mean by withdrawing support.

And when an exploit becomes common knowledge hackers will target it. At this point the only effective security measure will be to run Windows XP disconnected from the Internet.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

heh... looks like I'll have to use Linux then.
(if it's even possible for hackers to even get IN my computer now)

Comodo will notify you of ANY activity taking place.
so if some hacker is gonna try to do something to my compy, I'm gonna be notified if he's writing over any of my files, especially any of the system files.

if he manages to get past that, and screw up my compy, I'm making the switch to linux, even if it's not user friendly.
(though I can do what's right and release a GUI-based linux which responds better than the windows GUI)

I'm hearing alot of crap about Linux being command-line based with no REAL GUI support...
(I've seen YT vids of ome pretty impressive GUIs though, so I'm not calling Linux out)

Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

I'm hearing alot of crap about Linux being command-line based with no REAL GUI support..

That may have been the case 30 years ago, but times have changed a bit. Ubuntu has a good GUI interface as do other distributions. The main reason I don't run *nix is because many of the games I like are not ported to *nix.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

^^that's because many developers choose DirectX over OpenGL >_<
you should complain and set them straight. ;P

I've actually considered supporting DX in my API, but yeh... I've changed my mind... screw DX... it's harder anyways. :P

vmanes 1,165 Posting Virtuoso

I have a large format printer for which there was never a good XP driver - so I keep a Win98 machine.

My main color printer doesn't always work quite right with some software under Win7, so I will keep an XP machine or two running. I may block them from interweb access at the router, but I will keep them as long as I need them.

If a thing works, I don't see a reason to get rid of it just because it's not the current thing. Take a look at my 22 year old truck.

ggeoff 4 Junior Poster- 72 years old :)

@vmanes If you are happy to run several PCs to enable support for your printer etc then that is up to you. The "current thing" is a response by the good guys to being under continual attack by hackers (s..m) to Microsoft's customers which no one could have anticipated could be attacked, and the reason why such an attack could take place? We know better now.

I am surprised that you have a printer that will not work if you have to "upgrade" to Windows 7 etc. But you can't expect that your printer will be supported indefinately as that involves increasing costs, that must be met by the public.

What I would like is a reasonably priced priced upgrade to Windows 7 etc. let's suggest 30-40 GBP. Thats 3-40 USD :)

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

there's alot of devices out there that still won't work with 7.

need I mention again that XP support was removed since Vista.
as for hackers, anyone is vunerable to attacks no matter what OS your on.

you're better off having an OS that can recognize it's being hacked and stop the hacker from attacking your compy.
I do believe the Comodo team is already on the brink of this.
but I think they charge for that kind of support. >.>

their firewall works very well in notifying you about every transaction that takes place.
even if an application is marked as "allowed", if the transaction seems dangerous enough to harm your compy, you will still be prompted.

on that note, as long as you have an adaptive security, you should be safe from virtually anything, and even safer if you have your files on a separate interface only you can access. ;)

LaxLoafer 71 Posting Whiz in Training

need I mention again that XP support was removed since Vista.

Support for XP is ending on 8th April, 2014.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

^that's security support and updates

your printers that don't work on 7 will still work on XP.
(that's the kind of support that was removed since vista)

there's actually alot more removed support than that dealing with customizability,
general library support for programs, and more.

if I may add, they screwed up networking with home-groups. >_<

Reverend Jim 5,179 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

they screwed up networking with home-groups

That's one of the reasons I stick with the Pro version of all of the Windows releases. It gives me more networking options.

AKsarben 6 Light Poster

Most of the computers at work, our winery, have Windows Xp Home. We also have a SCO Unix server that has an address starting with 198.255 and so on, rather than the like so many home networks. I had no issues with it and we run an emulation program that accesses the Unix server via Dejavu NT software. It gives us a new window on our desktop that shows the connection to the SCO Unix software. It is non graphical but very fast. So basically all the computers have dual addresses both and the traditional It allows us to not ony see our UNIX server and each other but we connect to the internet (as doing right now) from any of the computers. BTW, this one I am typing this on is "Home" version. There are only 2 that have the PRO version of Windows XP. So I KNOW for a fact that XP can do some networking with no issues. It was only when our boss got Windows 7 on a laptop that he had issues trying to get both the other computers and then the SCO Unix server as well. Had to resort to some odd manipulation to get that done.. and it's Windows 7!!!

Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

Will Microsoft actually manage to persuade 2/3rds of the worlds PC users to stop using XP? In just a little under 4 weeks!?
Would like smoke some of the stuff their marketing idiots are smoking;-))

Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

Microsoft has no intention of telling anyone they can't use XP. They just said they will no longer support it. Users can still use it for as long as they like.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

in a way, they're basically trying to force users to get off XP.

@XP users:
everyone put on your hard-hats,
this is gonna be one heck of a ride.
(maximize your security)

Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

Did anyone make the mistake of installing the last XP 'Update' with the 'Nagging' screen of no more support from Microsoft for XP? Has anyone successfully removed it?*
* Only those on Automatic Updates will have it for sure.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

I download my updates manually...
(Windows Update is known to kill your computer)

as for removing your latest update, you MAY be able to go into the "add and remove programs" while showing updates, and remove it from there,
however, I've dealt with .NET installations you CAN'T remove...
if that should happen, the only place I know to look into is C:\WINDOWS\Installer\

the folder is hidden, but organize the installers by date and look for the latest update. :)

I hope that helps ;)

JenniferArden 4 Jennifer

I agree with vmanes, if it works for you stick to it, I use XP Pro x86 and x64 on various systems personally and at work. XP performs flawlessly from being a server (file access/printing/faxing/ICS) to wirless networking to being a workstation/terminal/client system. I have like many other customized XP by integrating AHCI drivers, peripheral drivers, IE8, MP11 and visual styles. XP is just a great allrounder. Some older things remain a pleasure to use like XP and my 2003 VW Golf 4 GTI 1.8T.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

not to mention 7 can't run SOME XP software due to how they removed the support.

if they would've kept that support and allowed you more freedom to access every directory on your system, I'd be just fine with 7.

visually, 7 is more customizable than XP UNLESS you use 3rd-party programs.

but in softwear, XP is muuch more customizable than 7.
7 just adds alot of newer support that needs to be ported back to XP.

also... take a look at this:
soon enough "XP" will be Open Source.

Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

How do you get that XP will become open source? reactos is just writing a Windows os alternative, no mention of what version.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

take note I said "XP" not XP

Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

what's the difference?

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

("XP") a future reactos build that can flawlessly recreate the WinXP enviroment (compatibility and all with newer extensions)
(XP) Micro$oft's WinXP

vmanes 1,165 Posting Virtuoso

I had to go and open my big mouth.

The Win98 box just decided to stop working today. Just when I needed a bunch of large printouts.

Oh well, time to dig into the pile of old stuff, see if it can still be salvaged.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

I think somethings up...
ever since I started bad-mouthing 7 and praising XP:
- I've gotten infected by a rootkit (had to reinstall)
- my secondary died (OS HDD went RAW)
- brother's compy got infected with a very spammy rootkit (and he had avast)
- after reinstalling his and imaging my RAW HDD, my 500GB HDD went RAW upon plugging it into his compy
(of course I did it properly and had no power on when touching the plugs)

where as my laptop... (Win7)
I just can't enable ICS... that's all.

explain how systems treated like gold give you crap,
but then systems thrown at walls and snapped in half only give you minor issues.
(yes my laptop was mis-treated, which is why it's mine now)

khakilang -3 Posting Pro in Training

I got an old Pentium 4 computer in working condition. I just want to check and see how it perform after Window XP has ended and how far it can survive any virus attack.

HarBeK 0 Newbie Poster

I have worked with Windows operating systems up to windows 7 and find all of them to serve a purpose.

I currently run WinVista without any troubles at all. There is still a system with XP in operation here along with a laptop still running Win98. The tween 98 to xp - ME was by far the worse OS that MS put out, but they wanted some quick cash.

There are many ways to work the OS's to a better acceptible personal liking where view is concerned. Many companys may retain working with XP largely from the cost of upgrading the number of machines they have in use.

The saddest part is in giving up some of the decent older software that may only run in or below XP. Upgrading is give or take but once the user understands where things are in a new version and how things can be changed to look more normal to them they'll do fine.

The cost to upgrading is number one issue while appeal of visuals and internal workings comes next with new operating systems not liking older software comes after that. From what I've found with Win7, along with software as it is programmed today, Win7 works some of the older programs but not all and I'm sure Win8 will be quite similar.

As stated, another OS will more than likely be around the corner as Microsoft continues to lean things more toward the 'cloud' situation with everyone touting that will be the best.... I doubt it though.

It is more preferable to have your information within your very own control than store it in a location purporting to be more secure ( as I'm sure they will claim... ). If the security breaches of yesteryear along with the devastating viruses thorugh the years... I do not look to the 'cloud' to becoming the best solution ever.

None of the Windows OS's have truly been completeley bullet proof and the name of their game is to be on top, making the money, even if that includes killing support for older versions of their software.

New model vehicles come out all the time and Microsoft believes their vehicle is no different from others... it is up to the masses to show them otherwise. Fix the vehicle you roll out but don't expect people to keep forking out mucho denaro year after year... they tire of it quite quickly.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

cloud-storage and security are a VERY VEEEERY bad mix.
P2P-storage is 1000x more secure than cloud-storage will ever be.
(including the next 10 years)
if you're able to get your data from a single shared location, what makes you think no-one else can?

this makes me frown upon any OS that even dares to consider it.

as far as I'm concerned about security with the OS,
I agree, normally I let multiple 3rd-party softwares handle the issues.
I actually don't rely on any OS security.

the only truely secure OS is one that doesn't allow modifications to it's files (in any manner).

Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

@ HarBek and Tcll.
Very well said, regarding 'Cloud' and the OS's that are dependent on it.
After April, my (Legit) XP Pro will still my OS of choice, albeit it's umbelical cord to the internet will be cut. It's longevity thus far is because it powers my Flight Simulators. For our varied 'On-Line' activities, we use the Apple and Linux machines which although not impervious from attacks, they are reasonably well protected behind our good old faithful Netgear routers.

Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

P2P-storage is 1000x more secure than cloud-storage will ever be

Now so ? You have no control over data access in either case. (this article). The way I understand it with P2P data is stored on other people's hard drivers all over the world. What happens to that data if I decide to reformat my hard drive? Or just erase the data? Or turn off my computer?

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