So I started my girlfriends laptop today and plugged my USB phone charger in. It had never been connected to this computer before. Then after a while, we just held the power button to shut down the computer as we were in a hurry. Then when we restarted laptop, the BSOD appeared and gave this message:

stop: 0x0000000A (0xf8958010, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x804D9BBA)

The reason I mention the phone thing is that the computer was working fine before that and it is the only thing we had done different. I need to know how to fix this as shes leaving tomorrow and her mom will be mad that her computers broke.

If the phone requires, say, 3/4 amp for charging and the USB port is rated for 1/2 Amp then you might have fried something, although the system is supposed to report any power overcall on a USB port.

More likely, however, is that you powered off at the moment the disk was being written to or something like that. So you can try booting into safe mode (F8 after the BIOS beep) or Select Last known Good Configuration.

Or you can put the Windows XP disk into the CD drive and boot from CD. Then use the Windows repair options.

Hope you've got about three hours spare for all this.

From the site that i use to diagnose problems:
Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or software.
Have you changed any drivers for anything recently? Such as a graphics card driver, or have you added any hardware recently?
I think your problem could be down to not having the right driver for the phone installed. Can you get into the computer via Safe Mode? Tap F8 when laptop starting up.

From the site that i use to diagnose problems:
Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or software.
Have you changed any drivers for anything recently? Such as a graphics card driver, or have you added any hardware recently?
I think your problem could be down to not having the right driver for the phone installed. Can you get into the computer via Safe Mode? Tap F8 when laptop starting up.

Yes, I can get the computer to start up in safe mode but I'm unsure of what do past that point. Haven't installed anything new on the laptop or taken anything off of it in a very long time. That's why I feel the phone had something to do with it.

Has it only happened one time or does it now always happen when you boot up the laptop?

It happens everytime I turn it on. Wont let me go any further.

mmm indeed
What Antivirus do you run?
What you really should do is to get it into Safe Mode, login as you would then run the system scan for whatever anti-virus programme you run. Then once it has scanned your entire system see if has found any nasties. Delete the nasties using the AV programme, then reboot and see what happens. If it continues post back.

Her computer doesn't have an antivirus program installed on it because she never really uses the internet or downloads anything. Basically it's just a computer used from time to time for nothing. lol but it just went on the fritz after the phone ordeal.

What you could try, but i doubt it will work, but still worth a try, plug in the USB charger onto the laptop then turn the laptop on and see if it boots as normal. My computer has crashed before because i chucked in a USB stick then i realised it was the wrong one and pulled it back out again. That caused it to freeze. Yours may have gone one step further.

Tried it...nothing. But good thought. Any other ideas? I feel super bad that I messed up her stuff and I just need to get it going again fast.

Well just in-case there is a virus, download AVG's free AV software here
Then install it (takes a couple of minutes) then scan your system to see if it finds anything nasty.
Install that in safe mode.
Also when you are in safe mode, plug in the USB adapter leave it in for a few minutes then shutdown the laptop through the usual way (start - shutdown etc.) Then remove the adapter when it is turned off. And turn it on again, see if that makes a difference.

I'm sorry to see that my suuggestions appear not to have been followed up. Serunson MIGHT have had a point that when you plugged the phone in to charge it, it tried to find a driver for that device; but it doesn't explain a BSOD just because you didn't complete the install. Were you prompted? (Not that it matters).

So please look again at my suggestions. especially last known good configuration or boot from windows CD and repair the system.

That's a good idea to repair the system, possibly a system restore might be in order too?

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