I've gotten the BSOD twice now, I was sleeping when it happened so I don't know what the computer was attempting to do that caused it.
I haven't installed any new hardware for at least a year.
full msg string was
0x000000D1 (0x00000008, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xF7847BEF)
NDIS.sys - F7847BEF base at F7831000, datestamp 41107ec3
(it also recommended that I uninstall any new hardware)

I'm running windows XP professional version 2002 sp2

AMD AthlonXP 3200+
2.21 GHz
1.50 GB of ram
acpi uniprocessor pc
WDC wd3200jb-00kfa0
WDC wd800jb-00jja0
Nvidia Geforce Fx 5700LE
atapi cd-rom 52xmax
dvdrw ide1008
microsoft usb trackball optical
via ohci compliant ieee 1394 host controller
1394 net adapter
d-link rangebooster N #3
via rhine II fast ethernet adapter
c-media ac97 audio device (not installed at all just part of the mother board)
legacy video capture devices
manycam virtual webcam, wdm video capture driver
sb pci(wdm)
usb root hub (x4)
via rev 5 or later usb universal host controller (x3)
via usb enhanced controller
mother board is a gigabyte 2004 rz

I hope that's enough info

I've read a few forums about this I've tried updateing my network card and my graphics card, I've looked at my IRQ and the only thing that shares the same # is via rev 5 usb universal host controller and via rhine II fast ether.
the last comand I gave kaylee(my computer) was to start Avuze and resume downloads but I turned the monitor off so I don't know if thats what caused the BSOD .
the only other thing I can think of is that I updated my nvidea driver a few weeks back and I couldn't use my tv as a second monitor anymore so I rolled back the driver and that screwed my system up for a while till I booted with last known good drivers and that fixed the problem... sort of, I got the two BSOD since I did the roll back
the only other odd thing that's happened is every once in a while my network adapter driver disappears and I have to reinstall it but I think I had that same problem with my previous install of xp my currant install of xp is only about six months old

This stop error is often caused by a flawed device driver or system firmware.
Have you disabled the AC97 audio device in th Hardware Manager?
If not it may cause IRQ problems.
However, NDIS in the error indicates an IRQ problem with the Network card.
But the above may cause a conflict.

I disabled the AC97
I haven't had a BSOD since yesterday but my computer was off when I got home because my dad says he bumped the power cord so I don't know if I had another BSOD I let the computer run too see if the problem was fixed.

I've updated my network driver a few times, it wouldn't surprise me if that was what was causing the problem, since some times when I restart I get the new hardware found screen talking about my wireless card

If the BSOD re-occurs - try placing the network card into a different slot.
If this not effective,then replace it with another brand (chipset).

but my computer was off when I got home because my dad says he bumped the power cord

your problem could be the results of the last time you DAD bumped the power cord ,shut downs like this can cause device conflicts , i usually fix them by doing a chkdsk /f from the windows recovery console

I'll run a checkdisk but I think that was the first time he'd messed with the power cord, he'd brought one of the computers I'd built for him home from the office and I guess he haddn't grabbed all the cords he need.
on a funny side note he couldn't figure out how to log onto his computer because some one at the office had set it up for a different type of network and he didn't know the password, he'd been trying for hours when I asked him if he'd tried just leaving it blank and logging on,
It worked lol.

I'm thinking it's for sure my network card driver because this morning I had to reboot three times before I could connect to the router. my currant driver is
dd 5/14/2006
not signed
I think I got it through Drivermax when I was trying that program out

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