Hi guys,
I've been working with jholland for a couple of weeks and she's helped me tremendously getting rid of a Trogan and then cleaning up my system. Kudos follow her as she's off the forum for a week...she suggested somebody else might help with this last little issue.
I'm getting a cold boot...I come back and find that that the computer has restarted...it seems to be when IE is left running and the only evidence is two recurring SYSTEM event logs (too bad I can't copy those) that say:
file system corrupt...please run chkdsk (the system actually demands a chkdsk on restart)
followed by:
"the following boot-start or systems drivers failed to load"
I know some of these are remnants from AntiVir, which gave me hell trying to get it off the system for some reason...obviously it's not entirely off!
Some of the remedies we tried included getting the latest video drivers and system video updated.
Help?? The computer seems clean except for this...