Please dont ask me how, I have mucked up mu outlook pst files.
Now through trying to solve the issue I have 3 Personal Folders , thankfully i have the one with all my stored and sorted e-mails in. Except i have 2 which cannot be opened, deleted, closed or anything. When i try to do anything with them i just get error messages. it is as though the pst file does not really exist but there are 2 entries on the 'files on the mail folders tree.

So -
I thought delete outlook re-install (i have a back up of the 1000s of e-mail in a npst file to redtore and i have it on a spare pc just in case. I deleted outlook2003 and the old pst folders. Upon reinstallation everything is back to square1. Nothing is changed.

How can i do a clean install of outlook so that i can just reload the backup pst?

Open Control Panel --> Open Mail --> goto Data Files. And remove the folders you dont need.

You can't delete the folder to which mail is dorected. is that your problem, perhaps?

The problem is the pst files are a mess.

it is impossible to remove the bottom 2 personal folders anyway, or open them.
I want to do a clean install but can dlete and reinstall without getting back what i had before. I am looking for a way to completely remove outlook and start again. I can remove it but when I reinstall i get back what was there before i deleted.

If i try to delete as described above it syas e-mail account is associated, go to >tools>E mail accounts. I do that but there is nothing to delete!

I am thinking delet outlook and reinstall but i just get back what was there before!

PS the ''Home'' and ''Office'' folders are IMAP accounts

Have you hit the 2GB limit for a PST file? I noticed 1222 deleted items. That's got to take you near the 2GB mark?

If you read the post it has nothing to do with a 2gb limit which is actually 20gb limit!

I have soreted it by deleting all profiles and loading a new profile. Then re loading the good pst file which was backed up. Then importing old e-mail folders folders into new personal fo;ders files in outlookand deleting the new pst file! Then everything is configured correctly and all pst file are in the correct location! :)

I'm sorry you were a little sharp with me.

The restriction to which I'm referring is the size of the PST file in question (and that is what my post said). This is limited by Microsoft to 2GB ( and when you hot that limit, strange things start to happen of the type you've described.

So just check your PST file size and I hope that you don't have a more serious problem than that.

I'm sorry you were a little sharp with me.

The restriction to which I'm referring is the size of the PST file in question (and that is what my post said). This is limited by Microsoft to 2GB ( and when you hot that limit, strange things start to happen of the type you've described.

So just check your PST file size and I hope that you don't have a more serious problem than that.

a quick read of the link you provided says 2gig limit in outlook 2002 and earlier ,20 gig for 2003 and 07!!!

Oops! - ish.

If the default value is used (i.e. the PST key isn't present), then the limit is still 2GB in Outlook 2003. This may be the problem since we don't know the size of the PST file in this case nor do we know the registry settings.

How can i do a clean install of outlook so that i can just reload the backup pst?

outlook is installed with microsoft office ,so you need use the office cd to remove and reinstall outlook

outlook is installed with microsoft office ,so you need use the office cd to remove and reinstall outlook

not so!!!!!

Removing outlook is childs playe with or without the cd! this is not the problem as such. Merely uninstalling outlook does not solve the problem. I wanted to do a clean install of outlook which meant removing all traces of outlook.

It is very easy to remove and reinstall outlook. The problem was that when you do this it maintains the previous profile. I have created a new profile and imported the pst file i wanted to keep and everything is ok. Somewhere in the bowels of outlook the old profile remains and is not removed when outlook is deleted. So i just create a new profile.

The 20Gb limit is nothing to do with this.

not so!!!!!

Removing outlook is childs playe with or without the cd! this is not the problem as such. Merely uninstalling outlook does not solve the problem. I wanted to do a clean install of outlook which meant removing all traces of outlook.

It is very easy to remove and reinstall outlook. The problem was that when you do this it maintains the previous profile. I have created a new profile and imported the pst file i wanted to keep and everything is ok. Somewhere in the bowels of outlook the old profile remains and is not removed when outlook is deleted. So i just create a new profile.

The 20Gb limit is nothing to do with this.

well im certainly not going to uninstall mine right now to find out .lol
maybe a registry edit is need to remove information of outlook,and maybe a outlook folder is left behind after the uninstall

maybe a registry edit is need to remove information of outlook,and maybe a outlook folder is left behind after the uninstall

If you read the post I have already posted the solution. Nothing to do with registry why would it?
It was a corrupt profile.

Nothing to do with registry why would it?

if you were here in front of me talking like that i would tell you to you face to go F--- yourself.if you know so much then why do you go looking for help/suggestions

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