The other day, My BT Voyager 1055 receiver stopped working. I don't know why, but it had been running on XP drivers. I downloaded the Vista drivers, in device manager it said it was ok, but It don't think it is, as I can't find any networks.

I might need a VERY good virus scanner, I have Mcafee Virusscan enterprise and antispyware enterprise, both updated.

It can't find any networks, or do anything.

I would be greatfull if anyone could assist me in this problem.

Vistas networking has a lot of bugs in it, sometimes it just stops working. Happened to my dads twice for no reason, and only a reinstall would fix it but it got broken again , resulting in me reinstalling XP

This computer came with Vista, but I really don't want to format or downgrade.

Anyone else got any ideas?

have you tried disabling and enabling the network connection? Sounds silly but as bennet says vista networking is rather buggy and that works for me whenever mine goes on the fritz.

My Hub can't find any networks...I know it works because I tested it on other computers :)

not network, network connection. As in the actual ethernet adapter...

When you mention your hub are you reffering to your router, is the actual network connection enabled on your pc, are you connecting wireless or wired

yeah go into network conections (classic view) right click the adapter and choose REPAIR that sometimes works

I am connecting with wireless.

My hub - "The BT Voyager 1055 Wireless Adapter is a plug and play 802.11g wireless networking adapter, developed to enable connection to a wireless network or base station, such as the BT Voyager 2110 Wireless Router.

This adapter allows you to connect your personal computer to the broadband Internet like any other ADSL modem without the use of cables between your computer and the ADSL socket. The BT Voyager 1055 USB adapter sends and receive signals to and from your PC and wireless Router.

This gives you the wireless freedom to surf wherever you want in the home or office, and not be limited to where the ADSL socket is!

The Voyager 1055 is installed in a free USB slot in your computer. "

I still can't get it to work, device manager says that there are no problems with it and it is working fine.

try remove the card, shut down the pc, reboot the dsl, modem, thet start up the pc, insert the usb card. see if it detect the network. is the wireless router encrypted ( WEP, WPA) ensure the usb adapter is using the same type of encription, or make sure the router is set to mixed.

try remove the card, shut down the pc, reboot the dsl, modem, thet start up the pc, insert the usb card. see if it detect the network. is the wireless router encrypted ( WEP, WPA) ensure the usb adapter is using the same type of encription, or make sure the router is set to mixed.

I have tried this, It doesn't work.

No, it isn't encrypted.

try searching for a driver update, USB network devices are tricky on vista

I have the Vista driver installed.

I think it is a problem with Network and Sharing center.

Anyone know how to help?

Sorry for triple posting.

I emailed BT, and got this in reply:

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with the wireless connection on your Vista PC, Mr Finch. As the 1055 is working from another PC we can rule out any fault with the 1055, this leave one of two things that could be the cause of you not being able to access the Internet.

The first thing could be a problem with the wireless side of your router; to have this problem investigated and resolved you would need to speak to the manufacturer of the wireless router itself. The second problem could be problem within the Windows operating system; this problem would need to be checked by the PC manufacturer.


I think it is the second problem, as the wireless works.

vista won't favor you unless you give it 'permissions' the easiest to do this is to log on as the administrator account (this admin account is usually hidden) after you log on to this account you have full control over vista

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