I have been using Vista for about 3 months and like it. But everyone I speak to hates Vista and have had problems with it. I havent had any hassles , maybe I have just been lucky. Just wondering if there is anyone who likes Vista, or am I the only one?

I've been running it on my main desktop (white box) for @ a year and I'm satisified with it. The only problem I had was with file copying after installing sp1, but after I ran CCleaner and disk cleanup (which found 6.5GB!) it ran fine.

I do, especially with my new Alienware theme. Every problem I have had with it was always my fault so i think that people who don't like it are just lazy.

Check this out.

I've been using Vista Ultimate 32bit since shortly after its release and like it.

commented: Give you a 10 for posting that :) +34

Check this out.

I've been using Vista Ultimate 32bit since shortly after its release and like it.

OMG that's unbelievable!

Haha my best is the guy who after being told the game, says "But why is it faster?" I have to be honest, I don't think that Vista is bad in itself as a concept, but what I do know is that my main issues with it lay in:
1) It's memory usage
2) Incompatibility with devices that existed before it - typical example - some of the workstations I manage are Vista, and the printer driver that I have to use aren't named for the exact model of the printer we use, but for the model before it. So Vista calls the printer a HP 1100 (for instance), even though it is actually an HP 1200. XP on the other hand calls it what it is.

That being said, I believe Vista comes with more out of the box, and it also comes across as safer and cleverer when you're trying to do something or sort out a problem than XP.

Glad you like it .I have used it for nearly a year .Personally I really hate it !

I bought a laptop with Vista as OS shortly after it was released to the market. At first, I hated it since there are no complete drivers that we can install. But lately, I learned to appreciate its features and the larger, friendlier icons.

windows is simple software which can be know by every person who operates it.
and recently a new edition with some new features.

a game for all...

I was hesitant to add to this thread fearing just another XP V's Vista fruitless argument.

Having been involved with Vista since beta 1 testing (nearly 3 years), i am pleased to see that many are realizing that any Operating System worth its salt needs time to mark its place within the industry.

Sure, we had many teething problems in the early days, but i believe that this OS has developed into a truely genuine article.

Does anyone out there remember the what happened with the intro of XP? or even 2k for that matter?

Sound familiar?

Here's a shot of my version of Ultimate x64 desktop eye candy.....whats inside is sooo good i have forgotten where i put my XP disc.


Wow locksmith that DOES look good! Shouldn't have put IMG tags aroung the link tho, took me a few more seconds to view the link than normal :-p.

What's ur rig if you don't mind me asking, processor, GFx Card, RAM?

And I can't help but notice how similar ur taskbar layout is to a Mac OS X's. Is that accidental? :)

I'm running Vista Home Premium for about a year and have some mixed feelings. I hated it before disabling some of the new security features because it asked too many questions. Now I have only two problems:
1) won't run a couple of the programs I had on XP, so I duel boot to XP and run them.

2) The screen saver frequently locks up when I move the mouse and takes a minute or so to disappear so that I can use the computer again.

Wow locksmith that DOES look good! Shouldn't have put IMG tags aroung the link tho, took me a few more seconds to view the link than normal :-p.

What's ur rig if you don't mind me asking, processor, GFx Card, RAM?

And I can't help but notice how similar ur taskbar layout is to a Mac OS X's. Is that accidental? :)

Ooops...my apologies!

Would you believe i run Ultimate on an AMD Athlon64 3000+ O/C'ed @ 2.4ghz / 2gig of DDR400 (PC3200) and a crappy old ATI Radeon 9250 128mb card stuffed in the AGP slot.
My only regret is that the card wont run Aero!....bummer!

I not that into the latest gaming options, but i look after the housekeeping, keep things lean and mean, and it runs beautiful.

I prefer to use the Quicklaunch bar rather than have my shortcuts all over the desktop thats all......Proof that Mac's dont have a monopoly on eye candy.


I'm running Ultimate 64 and XP 64 dual boot.

Although there are a few serious annoyances that still haven't been ironed out, for the most part I love Vista. If I ever get it running as fast as XP 64, I'll make the switch to Vista full time.

I'm running Vista Home Premium for about a year and have some mixed feelings. I hated it before disabling some of the new security features because it asked too many questions. Now I have only two problems:
1) won't run a couple of the programs I had on XP, so I duel boot to XP and run them.

2) The screen saver frequently locks up when I move the mouse and takes a minute or so to disappear so that I can use the computer again.

I agree, User Account Control can be very annoying at first!

mmm....no make that always.

At least MS did something right and gave us the option to disable it, although this does seem to increase the boot time as the OS sorts through the registry for directions.

There is a reg fix for this however, and i know i have it lying around somewhere.....I'll take a look and get back to you on this.

I used to dual boot with XP as well for a bit in the early days, but as the third party developers came on board with vista compat. soft apps and drivers, i found that eventually i didnt really need to, and what i still couldnt run on Vista wasnt that important to me anyway.

What's not important for some however, is essential to others for their digital enjoyment.....so as with everything, its what works best for you that matters!


I agree, User Account Control can be very annoying at first!

mmm....no make that always.

At least MS did something right and gave us the option to disable it, although this does seem to increase the boot time as the OS sorts through the registry for directions.

There is a reg fix for this however, and i know i have it lying around somewhere.....I'll take a look and get back to you on this.


Not sure how that would slow anything down....has to search the registry for it either way, it is only the value in the registry that changed.

Apparently the LUAFV driver, which controls UAC in Vista, can cause latency issues if the feature is disabled.
Once UAC is disabled, a registry tweak that disables the driver in question needs to be applied if the user wants to have more solid boot times back (improved boot times obviously vary from machine to machine and i didnt notice a huge difference to be honest).

I hold no responsibility if this tweak should cause your computer to spontaneously combust or eat your children.

Open the Registry Editor.

Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesluafv"

Double click the "start" string value, and set it to 4.

Reboot and see if you notice an improvement.

commented: Nice tweek :) +34
commented: Definitely seem to know what you're on about :-p +4

I'll give 'er a go shortly and let you know...

Not too thrilled with my boot time, since we're on the topic...

Well, just tried it out, and survey sez....

From system POST to login screen, no difference at all.
But, after logging in, the time the desktop and services take to load is definitely a little snappier now.

Overall, I would add this to my list of worthwhile tweaks.

Excellent.....glad it helped!

i dont like Vista because the Network configurations and security and all are so damn stupid..

I bought a new HD yesterday and are going to make my machine dual BOOT xp/vista. So thats a first vista step for me

Hi all, I'm back in school to get my MSCSE, Cisco and Linux diplomas. I've been using vista since Beta 1 and it has come a long way since.

In Dec last year I switched to Ultimate x64 (on a AMD 6000+ oc'ed @ 3.2) and 4gb of DDR4 ram. I unfortunately had to go back to ultimate x86 because of compatibility problems, mostly with my sound card. I didnt wanna invest in another one yet and x64 was all buggy with it. I do music production and DJing with help of my PCs.

I then switched last month to Vista business x86 ( I dont know if there's a business x64.. anyways..) My point is, it looks to me like vista business runs so much better than ultimate. Looks like its got all the ultimate power, minus all the ultimate crap, which makes up for a very stable system and feels faster on almost every aspect. I dunno also if you guys know about this but vista is the first Windows OS where the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is separated from the rest, which makes a huge difference with drivers peripheral stability and also for stability of the OS as whole.

I dunno about you guys, but vista is the most stable Windows for me to date, I do everything music wise and it's very fast. I also do gaming with an ATI 3870x2 and it runs better on business then ultimate (especially Crysis).

I would finish by saying that the OS is much more stable since the release of SP1.. Can't wait for SP2!

Yep....SP1 put Vista in the big leagues. Another solid service pack to increase performance and cure a few lingering compatability issues (especially w/Ultimate 64 :( ) might just be enough to make us forget XP...
That said, I think it will still be a couple years before I dump XP 64 for good. It's just that good, as far as performance and stability goes...

Hey, not to derail the thread, but did anyone else see that article where Bill Gates called Linux "the best OS available, by far..."
and said he stopped using Windows three years ago because he got tired of the crahing and constant rebooting?
I'll try to dig a link up to the article tonight.

Hey, not to derail the thread, but did anyone else see that article where Bill Gates called Linux "the best OS available, by far..."
and said he stopped using Windows three years ago because he got tired of the crahing and constant rebooting?
I'll try to dig a link up to the article tonight.

I have to say man.. I dont really know what a restart is much anymore.. I always restart my PC because I'm always installing a new software, or update a driver on a regular basis. It's not because the system is giving me errors.. If I don't restart for a couple days and computer is powered on all the time, I never have to restart. Not since SP1, that is.

That's probably what he meant by the constant rebooting...a (necessary) design flaw in Windows.

I was surprised too, because XP has always been rock stable for me. 99.9% of any crashes I've ever had were of my own doing (usually from overclocking or downloading porn with the AV turned off, lol...j/k about the overclocking part)

I've used Vista off and on since the beta, both 32 and 64 bit.
After numerous driver and hardware issues I've finally got it (64 bit Ultimate) running stably on my AMD 3200, ASUS A8V Deluxe, 2 GB RAM. NVIDIA GeForce 6200
I'm using AERO just because I can, but it doesn't turn me on.
I understand 64 bit is becoming mainstream, finally, and that's what I wanted, but it's been one Hell of a hassle getting here.

obviously with gr8 specs and sp1 vista should run fine.vista demands performance, the OS itself absorbs ram,cpu ussage etc. conflict comes when you wanna play games like crysis etc.so if you have gr8 specs whats there not to like about vista

I have been using Vista for about 3 months and like it. But everyone I speak to hates Vista and have had problems with it. I havent had any hassles , maybe I have just been lucky. Just wondering if there is anyone who likes Vista, or am I the only one?

Most of the people, like myself, that hate Vista are gamers. The standard version (x64) does not run old games such as Red Alert 2, and it does not run any software with a 16-bit installer. It has issues with 32-bit software as well. Finally, the system requirements for new games are higher (usually twice as much for the video card) on Vista then on XP. Every gamer I know agrees with me on this.

commented: I agree too. Can't run Diablo on Vista. +34
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