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ok so i'm working on a friends computer running XP.
their explorer.exe file was infected by a worm and they accidentally deleted it instead of cleaning it.
luckily the file was in back-up, so they pulled it back out, ran a system restore, and after virus and spyware scans and what not (Kaspersky and Ad-aware if it matters) they came up with no new problems and explorer was running again like normal.

The only remaining problem is that some of the system functions are no longer working like Backup and System Restore, and every time you try to run them, an error runs that says something like the task mananger can't read the image file and it lists the name of a couple dll's ( i can get the exact targets and errors the next time i'm over there).

Chances are you probably can't help until i get those errors, but i thought what the heck, you never know.

Since these mainly seem like system problems, and i can't find for the life of me the name of the worm that infected explorer, nor do i know the extent of it's damage, should i reinstall windows for them? just wondering, cuz this isn't really my field (as if you couldn't tell).

i can get pretty much any information necessary, and there's no real hurry.
thanks in advanced, happy holidays

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alright alright, i had the time to look up the error messages.

the system tools that won't work are:

  1. Security Center
  2. Backup
  3. Character Map
  4. System Information
  5. System Restore

also, the calculator, paint, and word pad don't work.

i received three different messages when trying to run various tasks, all very similar:

taskmgr.exe - Bad Image
The app or dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation disk.

dwwin.exe - Bad Image

rstrui.exe - Bad Image

i'm thinking these are damages from the worm or whatever, but i was unable to find the log files with its exact name.
if you can think of any solutions, let me know, it'd be greatly appreciated. =]

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oh GOD, now i'm confused to death.
I've been reading forums on kaspersky, because i was wondering why when i pulled explorer.exe out of backup, it was no longer infected.

Turns out that there was some sort of false positive and a ton of people with Kaspersky deleted their explorer.exe's, and all they had to do was pull it out of back-up and it's good.
So at least there is no virus

So the Question is, why are the dll's and system tools and functions stiiillll messed up.
I now have problems without a cause.

The computer seems to perform fine, but some of those missing functions are pretty important, and it would suck to not have them when needed.

the imm32.dll error message is showing up almost constantly, whenever logon, IE7, explorer, taskmgr, etc. are run.

and i can't run a System File Check or a Repair or Reinstall the OS(God forbid) without a disk -- An HP Pavilion 7950 XP re installation disk... I have no idea how to obtain a copy.

Ok, wow, I think i have sort of the same problem. so my computer decided that for some reason the explorer.exe file was a virus and decided to delete it. Now i have no desktop, no taskbar, no icons NO WINDOWS EXPLORER!! I don't want to reboot my computer because I don't have a backup of all the info on my comp! I tried everything, from regedit to downloading adaware to registry mechanic, but I don't know how to get my explorer back! I am currently using my Task manger to open all my file (ex. Firefox, ITunes, photoshop etc.). I also didn't get a cd because my laptop came installed with Windows XP home edition, but I know that there is a cd image on the comp, so that is not an issue. Can someone please help me?

Ok, wow, I think i have sort of the same problem. so my computer decided that for some reason the explorer.exe file was a virus and decided to delete it. Now i have no desktop, no taskbar, no icons NO WINDOWS EXPLORER!! I don't want to reboot my computer because I don't have a backup of all the info on my comp! I tried everything, from regedit to downloading adaware to registry mechanic, but I don't know how to get my explorer back! I am currently using my Task manger to open all my file (ex. Firefox, ITunes, photoshop etc.). I also didn't get a cd because my laptop came installed with Windows XP home edition, but I know that there is a cd image on the comp, so that is not an issue. Can someone please help me?

this is the third post you made for same problem ,just one post is good enough ,just wait for answers ,we don't get paid ,we answer for free.

this is the third post you made for same problem ,just one post is good enough ,just wait for answers ,we don't get paid ,we answer for free.

I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make people angry. I'm just desperate!

I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make people angry. I'm just desperate!

its only a computer ,nothing to be desperate about ,i would offer help but i only know of one way to fix your problem,reload windows is what i do to fix it !others may know another way .


Whats a CD image? If its a copy of the files of the CD could you send it to me?? I really need a CD and my dad lost them all!! Pls help!!

its only a computer ,nothing to be desperate about ,i would offer help but i only know of one way to fix your problem,reload windows is what i do to fix it !others may know another way .

Yea, if it was my computer I would be completely fine with it. Only it's not.

So, when you run scf/Scannow stuff, does it overwrite everything? It doesn't erase any of the data there, does it?

Yea, if it was my computer I would be completely fine with it. Only it's not.

i learned a long time ago to leave peoples computers alone ,unless there are a customer of mine ,then my not responsible policy is in effect .

So, when you run scf/Scannow stuff, does it overwrite everything? It doesn't erase any of the data there, does it?

it overwrites nothing ,only check for missing or corrupt windows files ,not personal data ,its a system tool command only .we are not going to stear you wrong .

i learned a long time ago to leave peoples computers alone ,unless there are a customer of mine ,then my not responsible policy is in effect .

it overwrites nothing ,only check for missing or corrupt windows files ,not personal data ,its a system tool command only .we are not going to stear you wrong .

THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 x 100000000000000000000

Ok. So I tried running the sfc /scannow but nothing happened. First it said that it was checking to make sure that all the files were original and stuff, then it finished or something and now sfc/ scannow isn't working either. I type it in, but a little screen at the left of the desktop appears for like half a second and then disappears. what should i do?

you have/had a serious infection that you may or may not be able to recover from with out re-install winxp.this is where i as a neighbourhood computer repair guy ,remove the hard drive and hook it to my compute and run virus scan,and spyware scan on it.if that doesn't help it then that i will try a winxp install over top. and if that doesn't work i then format the computer and reinstall winxp .

omg, i am so dead. thanks anyways.

Try a system repair. Go into the bios and set it to boot from CD. Insert the XP CD and reboot. Choose the repair option when presented.
Nothing will be lost, but you will need to reinstall security patches/service packs etc.

ok so i'm working on a friends computer running XP.
their explorer.exe file was infected by a worm and they accidentally deleted it instead of cleaning it.
luckily the file was in back-up, so they pulled it back out, ran a system restore, and after virus and spyware scans and what not (Kaspersky and Ad-aware if it matters) they came up with no new problems and explorer was running again like normal.

Place your Windows XP Disk into the CD Rom tray and wait till the startup screen then exit it. Now go to the Sart menu and into run.Type. sfc(space)scannow This will restore any missing dll files that have been deleted or have gone bad the whole process takes a litle bit to run but well worth it, If you should get a message that the system cannot find a file in the operating system then just hit ok,everytime its missing something it will ask you if you want to replace so just do so until the utility is through,Thanks (South)

sfc [space] /scannow.the / is need or it will just flash on the screen for a second and not run.for me anyway .
just to clarify

copy the explorer.exe file from someone else and put into urs!!! worked for me.

copy the explorer.exe file from someone else and put into urs!!! worked for me.

if the explore.exe is missing or corrupt ,sfc /scannow will copy good one from your winxp cd.
sfc='s System file checker

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Place your Windows XP Disk into the CD Rom tray and wait till the startup screen then exit it. Now go to the Sart menu and into run.Type. sfc(space)scannow This will restore any missing dll files that have been deleted or have gone bad the whole process takes a litle bit to run but well worth it, If you should get a message that the system cannot find a file in the operating system then just hit ok,everytime its missing something it will ask you if you want to replace so just do so until the utility is through,Thanks (South)

yeah, that's what i've been trying to do only i wasn't quite sure what disk my friend's computer needed. It's really odd, cuz i'm almost positive they have XP home edition (not sure how to check that cuz i can't use System Info) , but when i ran sfc just to make sure, it said i need an XP Professional SP2 disk... so i've gotta wait til the holidays are out so i can borrow one. It shouldn't matter just for an sfc if i was using a Dell disk on an HP, should it?

It shouldn't matter just for an sfc if i was using a Dell disk on an HP, should it?

should not matter ,what matters is that the disk has sp2 on it ,if the computer has winxp home with sp2 installed it will know that look for it on the disk .

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thank god

ok so i finally got the disk i needed and ran the SFC and thank god, it worked!

No more bad image errors and all system functions are back online, i just had to replace the start menu shortcuts for some reason... but who cares, what matters is, it worked, so thank you all for your patience and expertise.

cheers and a happy new year =]

it seems that Office 2003 is still getting bad image error messages... it may have been cuz i tried to open a 2007 Powerpoint file without the necessary updates... if it continues, would you recommend running the repair on office?

thank god,
if it continues, would you recommend running the repair on office?

your welcome and Yes .don't forget to mark the thread as solve as soon as you think its fully solved

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