i hope i haven't annoyed any one by posting here....(be it in the wrong place, or topic already coverd, i did search) my question is dose any one know of a good registry cleaner that is free and will clean the registry. im sick of downloading them, running it and then for it to tell me that it wont fix the registry because i have to buy the product. thnx in advance

Is there evan such a thing LoL

Many experts say there are no good registry cleaners-they're basically ineffective.
That said, this one is free, and has never failed me:
Easy Cleaner:
When you get messages like the one you describe, they are always a scam.

Here I have a good recommend for you: Tuneup360 and Norton system work, but the latter one is a little bit difficult. For the beginners, Tuneup360 is a good choice.

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