I have a set of 7 email with attachment of word files and photographs (.jpg) files. When I want to send to my target audience which is normally one email address and I click forward, it takes atleast 3 to 4 minutes for the message to load before I can send it forward. The size of each email is around 1MB to 1.7MB each containg 4 attachments the files which are all stored in one folder.

Can someone help with regard to the above. Am I missing some important .dll files of Outlook Express. I even tried reinstalling IE 7.0 but it did not solve the problem.

Appreciate your help on the above....Rajpal

that's perfectly normal for OE with those file sizes and simple dsl broadband

DimaYasny is correct, but if it takes a long time to send, you can always break apart the messages so they send as smaller chunks, They will be sent faster, then they are put together at the other end.

In Outlook Express...

* Click Tools > Accounts from the main menu.
* Highlight the desired account.
* Click Properties.
* Go to the Advanced tab.
* Put a tick in Break apart messages larger than __ KB . (you can use 250kb or similar)
* Click OK.
* Now click Close.

I would test this first, as some email clients may not be able to put the broken apart messages back together again, send a larger test message to the recipient first.

Remember to uncheck Break apart messages larger than ... after use.

Thanks for taking time to answer my query. Guess I will try my luck with Microsoft Outlook and see if I get any booster.


It's pretty fine to contribute to resolving the above issue you've raised. Well from my experience of file transfer via e-mail( most expecially regarding photo files), it is important to note that images consume some reasonable amount of storage resources which tend to slow down the rate of transfer.

My Advice:

Try to attach a file at a time (i.e. image files) and send.

Never mind the time it would take you.

It will surely deliver on time.


Regards from Segsoftech

Thanks and here is the final conclusion. The body of the email had formats. I picked up the same images and just sent with a blank body to myself. Then when I received it I tried the Forward and it worked instantly. Saved 4 minutes of loading time on each email as my address in the body of the emil had probably some special formating. Thanks for all your help. Take care...Rajpal

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