I did an overhaul on my computer and saved my documents on to a disk because I just sent my jump drive through the washer machine.

Thinking my documents would be fine I restored the computer deleting everything on it.

To my surprise all my documents were still there. A couple weeks later I go to open my pictures to grab a picture and it gives me an error message I've seen before, only in a folder that I didn't need as much as My Pictures.

"C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures is not accessible

Access is Denied"

So I began researching it and haven't found a damn thing that can help.

So am I up chocolate river without a Popsicle stick and my pictures are gone... or can it be saved?

Please help... I'm desperate.

I did an overhaul on my computer and saved my documents on to a disk because I just sent my jump drive through the washer machine.

Thinking my documents would be fine I restored the computer deleting everything on it.

To my surprise all my documents were still there. A couple weeks later I go to open my pictures to grab a picture and it gives me an error message I've seen before, only in a folder that I didn't need as much as My Pictures.

"C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures is not accessible

Access is Denied"

So I began researching it and haven't found a damn thing that can help.

So am I up chocolate river without a Popsicle stick and my pictures are gone... or can it be saved?

Please help... I'm desperate.

so why not just use the disk you copied your my documents to .the my documents folder contains the picture folder as well ,as long as you copied it right, and not just the shortcut on the desktop .

oops casperjack .. thanks for pointing out .. sometimes we forget some common sense things and get involved into fairly technical ones .. and the solutions seem to be with common sense things :-)

for his sake i hope you are not correct caperkack. because if he only copied, by creating a shortcut then he is in deep you know what. check the file that are saved on the drive and ensure that the little shortcut arrow is not on the files. and follow the advised nanosani post to take permission of the folder that your are getting assess denied on.

for his sake i hope you are not correct caperkack. because if he only copied, by creating a shortcut then he is in deep you know what. check the file that are saved on the drive and ensure that the little shortcut arrow is not on the files. and follow the advised nanosani post to take permission of the folder that your are getting assess denied on.

if you put the mydocuments icon on the desktop, using desktop setup it has no shortcut arrow ,but i have see people burn it to cd thinking they were burning there mydocuments folder .not so ,you need to go to documents and settings in the root of c:\ or use windows explorer to drag and drop it to a device

I all ready tried taking back the file, I click properties and I don't even have any of the stuff it says I should.

And I burned the folder on to a disk, but the disk is corrupted. I thought I made that clear, sorry :(

Also when I click properties it says there is nothing in it, or 0%.

If I've lost my pictures... I don't know what I'm going to do.

And for your info, I'm not a "he" just to let you know.

I all ready tried taking back the file, I click properties and I don't even have any of the stuff it says I should.

And I burned the folder on to a disk, but the disk is corrupted. I thought I made that clear, sorry :(

Also when I click properties it says there is nothing in it, or 0%.

If I've lost my pictures... I don't know what I'm going to do.

And for your info, I'm not a "he" just to let you know.

ok not a he .lol
I re-read your first post and im still confused ,but remember im over 50 so the thinker is not what it use to be ,
anyway this part confuses me ,

when you say to my surprise the file were still there

do you mean on the computer hard drive after you reloaded windows .


Yes on the cpu hardrive. I was surprised to find "my documents" still in tact all though everything else on the computer was gone.

I expected everything, include that to be gone, but it wasn't.


I was surprised to find "my documents" still in tact all though everything else on the computer was gone.


never heard of it and cant see how it could be ,if you formatted and reloaded winxp ,and everything was gone but mydocuments ., can't see how that could be !

I don't know man, there was a problem during the reformatting.

I guess I'm just gonna have to deal.

Thank's ya'll.

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