Well this is quite an old problem caused by a trojan a long time ago. three years or so. In any case it left my desktop background icons unable to have tranparency. Heres a screenshot.


Disreguard the Skin and Sidebar because they are not the cause of this. Also ignore the emulators.

Oh and computer is a emachines(dont buy one they stink) running Windows XP Professional.

So have you not removed the trojan yet as you say the problem is 3 years old or so?

So have you not removed the trojan yet as you say the problem is 3 years old or so?

No its longs gone. My computer is clean and everything else works just fine. Also another bit of info. If I do a system restore to as far back as I can go the icon will be transparent until I open a window or try and change the desktop.

First let me say you must have one of the good EMachine if you haven't had to format it in 3 yrs .
have you tried changing the setting for it in control panel/system/advanced /performance /settings and do a for best performance setup,check off the 5-6-7 ones from the top and the bottom 3 in the list

First let me say you must have one of the good EMachine if you haven't had to format it in 3 yrs .
have you tried changing the setting for it in control panel/system/advanced /performance /settings and do a for best performance setup,check off the 5-6-7 ones from the top and the bottom 3 in the list

Hehe, its after I had the trojan I came to daniweb in the first place and then dedicated myself to learning how to be a malware removal expert. And while I don't consider myself the best I do think I do a lot better job then some people hired to do the stuff I do. i.e. Geeksquad. So I do keep my computer clean and In the best running condition I can. Not to mention replacing and improving parts. :)

Anyways yes I've tried all that, possibly every combination of checks and unchecks. Unfortunetly nothing seems to work. :\

have you tried creating a new user acct. and see how its desktop works out

comtrol panel (classic view) -> system -> advanced -> perormance buttom -> make sure every box is ticked (i think the usual culprit is "icon drop shadow")

if that doesnt work, download TweakUI and play around with the effects in that

Yup I tried messing with all those already. I noticed drop shadow as well but nothing changes whether its checked or not.

I'm downloading TweakUI now although I remember downloading it a while ago and nothing worked. :/

I had something like that too. Did you try to
-right click arrange icons by.....
-unselect lock web items on desktop?
I think it had something to do with that, but I might be wrong..

Looks like that you had a good run with ur e machine but the E-Curse is catching up with ya...

my dads compaq has been running NT4 for oevr 10 years. No reinstalls. Thats got to be a record.

Looks like that you had a good run with ur e machine but the E-Curse is catching up with ya...

The funny thing is the desktop has been like that for 3 years so nothings gotten worse it was just crappy from the beginning. Well I guess thats what you can expect from an emachine though. :D

Oh And at niek_e: It was already uncheck so I tried checking it and then unchecking it but that didn't work. I'm messing around with TweakUI right now so I guess I'll see what happens with that. :)

have you tried creating a new user acct. and see how its desktop works out

I just did and it works perfectly. Any ideas why?

I checked the settings and they were almost identical except for the background color, which I try changing on the main user account but it just changes the black behind the icon and text to whatever color background I change it to.

wierd. Maybe the skin?

wierd. Maybe the skin?

Nope it was there before I ever applied any skins.

wierd. Try changing changing the windows theme to "classic" then back again. I once had an odd bug where the taskbar was the classic way, and everything was the XP way, and this fixed it.

I just did and it works perfectly. Any ideas why?

I checked the settings and they were almost identical except for the background color, which I try changing on the main user account but it just changes the black behind the icon and text to whatever color background I change it to.

all i can say is some spyware/trojans has registry settings for that user corrupt ,and the new user creates its own new registry settings for stuff like the desktop .

Two questions:

1. Are all of the icons somehow selected?

2. What kind of file is the wallpaper?

all i can say is some spyware/trojans has registry settings for that user corrupt ,and the new user creates its own new registry settings for stuff like the desktop .

Any easy way to transfer em?

MS had a tool. Um, i think its in the server 2003 tools or something.

Two questions:

1. Are all of the icons somehow selected?

2. What kind of file is the wallpaper?

No and jpg or bmp or gif...tried em all.

Hmm it just half fixed it self. When I choose a new wallpaper and clicked apply and then chose another one the black space around the icon part went away.

But now the black background for the text is still there. The icon thing seemed more like when you try and select a background with the magic wand tool and everythings one solid color except for around the main thing in the image. Thats what it was like...but now its gone. Just need some help on the black background behind the text.

MS had a tool. Um, i think its in the server 2003 tools or something.

Hmm well half of it fixed itself randomly so now only the black background around the text is still there.

Also you don't happen to know off the top of your head where all the desktop keys are do you?

I'm thinking HKCU?Software>Microsoft>Windows>currentversion>desktop.

Or would it be local machine?

CU i think. Um, google for it. I have a list somehwere. Ill look for it (lol i worked out all the keys to make a policy editor for xp home)

CU i think. Um, google for it. I have a list somehwere. Ill look for it (lol i worked out all the keys to make a policy editor for xp home)

Hehe nice. I just know my way around the registry cuz I have to disable download blocks to get firefox on my school computers because we are working with css in class and IE doesn't render it right.

Just another note. the black behind the icons isn't gone for good it returns if you open a window and goes away if you refresh the desktop.

Thats just for the black behind the icons the black behind the text is still there.



Any easy way to transfer em?

transfer what the settings .? I wouldn't know what they were !
If it were mine i would just copy the desktop icons,and my documents folder to the new acct .
go to mycomputer/C:\ drive /documents and settings ,go into the old user desktop folder and copy all and then go to the new user and paste it all into the desktop folder ,same with the my documents folder and anything else you want copied besides apps.then deleted the old user .not thats only if it were mine ,being windows anything can happen !!!

transfer what the settings .? I wouldn't know what they were !
If it were mine i would just copy the desktop icons,and my documents folder to the new acct .
go to mycomputer/C:\ drive /documents and settings ,go into the old user desktop folder and copy all and then go to the new user and paste it all into the desktop folder ,same with the my documents folder and anything else you want copied besides apps

I was thinking about that but I was lazy and wanted to see if there was an easier way. The one thing I'm concerned about is how do I tranfer ownership of the computer from the current account to the new account. Or since they are both admins are they equal?

yes they are equal ,and once you delete the old one you can change the name of the new one to the same name as the old one .i think with out any problems ,been a while since i had to do this myself

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