Fought with Vista
And lost
I installed a program called DosBox on my computer (Win XP) so that I could run an old favorite game of mine Duke Nukem 3D. I had no problems doing this. There is a configuration file that you can rewrite to make the program work the way you wish it to.
Then my son says he wants to had DN3D on his computer, no problem. I figure it will take about 20 minutes to set it up Rightttt........
Getting the DosBox program installed was a piece of cake, just had to go through the normal allow, allow, allow crap. But then I tried to modify the configuration file. It wouldn't let me save it. Everything is read only, so I changed it, nope still won't let me save it. So I make a new file in a different directory, saves fine. So then I copy the file to the DosBox directory, won't let me overwrite the file, so I choose copy as a second copy. Fine, erase the original and rename the copied file to the original name, seems to work, but nope. Original file still prevails.
I was forced to uninstall the file and reinstall it in it's own directory, not in the program files directory. Once I did that everything worked fine.
What the heck is up with the program file directory. It won't let me modify programs? It says I don't have permission, yet I am the administrator of the computer. How the heck do I make this thing work like a normal computer instead of this over protected selfish computer?