
Ok...I posted a while ago a problem I had with the BSOD and received some great ideas. I managed to find a way to get some of the important data off.

My question...I read somewhere that some techie...when installing xp, they create 2 partitions...one with the main xp system info and the other for the regular programs and etc. They explained the reason was, so if there was ever a problem with the computer...like a BSOD, they would just re-install xp over the 1st partition and this would not effect any of the stored data and programs on the 2nd partition....is this correct?

If yes...then can someone please tell me how I can do this, because after using 'MiniPE XT'...it showed that I have 2 partitions...the 1st parition with the xp system data, size about 6gig and the 2nd partition has ALL my programs and is 67 gig.

The only other problem I have is with the installing of XP. When I put in the windows XP cd and try to choose either option...from the 'just press enter' or 'press R to repair'...the next screen says that....** Setup did not find any Hard disk drives installed in your computer. Setup cannot continue. To quit setup press F3 **.

So if you decide that I can install on just one partition or if you decide I have to wipe clean and create 2 NEW partitions...how do I install XP...if every time I try, I get that above error message?

Please someone help...and sorry for writing so much.


firstly that is correct, the system is what reads partitions so if one frys the other can be installed over. to do this you would have to do a clean install and in the windows setup when it says to choose a partition, delete the old one(and all its data), make a new one(approx. the size of xp) and a second one(that uses up the rest of the drives space). then install to the first one, note that the second partition will not be formated and that will have to be done for it to function, but that can be done after xp is installed and working

for your HDD problem, first make sure nothing has physically come loose to cause it to stop working, and make sure it is not encrypted because xp will totaly ignor a encrypted drive on install, you may also check you bios first befor the install because it may not be recognising the drive either

ooops, to elaborate on my first comments first line, i meant to say that you can install xp on the corrupted xp's partition, (or any os for that matter) without endangering your data partition

ok, for the most part this is correct, however, if you are going to do this please remember that many programs require keys to be added to the registry or dll files to be modified.

if this is the route you choose, i would, find a program that back up changes to the registry, so that you dont get the entire regitry, and do that way, so that you dont need to reinstall

for instance, i redid my drives with a special utility that will remain anonymous, and resized and moved all my files, and my photoshop, cs2 couldnt find a file, which the registry pointed to, so that you couldnt crack it without that registry entry

another alternative, if you have a lot of ram, and this is just your computer, would be to download virtual pc from microsoft, for free, and install the os there, then every once in a while copy the "hard drive" as a backup, since its just a virtual hard drive its easy to copy, and you can make the size of it dynamic, meaning if its 100 GB it only uses what is needs, and expands as it needs to, maximizing at 100 GB

so good luck, and btw, microsoft generally rules these as seperate licenses, for the computer(s) but, i like to bend the rules from time to time....


c ya

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