Hello there,

I bought a new ASPIRE 5920G series laptop with Windws, vista version. I want to partition my HDD in to more types (currently i have 2 drives). How can I do it? Can anyone help me out?

Thanks in advance

right click on mycomputer icon. chose manage then select disk management. right click on the drive you want to partition. select shrink. follow the steps to shrink the disk or you can set you own size but be careful. when the shrink is done format the new partiton that will be name unallocated. give it a name and whatnot. you now have a second drive.

right click on mycomputer icon. chose manage then select disk management. right click on the drive you want to partition. select shrink. follow the steps to shrink the disk or you can set you own size but be careful. when the shrink is done format the new partiton that will be name unallocated. give it a name and whatnot. you now have a second drive.

Hello there, thanks for your help. But I tried this one already, but when I click on the Unallocated partition, and follow the steps, finally when I click finish, it says, u cannot convert all these into dynamic disks etc...and finally again, it says this type of partition is not recognized in this kind of exploitation.

Can u help me now???


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