Thanks for the welcome and I will read and learn. Currently my IT department has made changes to my display settings. I am running WXP Pro and when i right click on the desktop, go to properties, screen saver tab my password protect is selected with a 3 minute timeout to lock computer 3 mins wont let me go take a leak and come back to work. I want to move the time to 15 min but the options are not highlited anymore. How can I change this? I am sure it is in the registry but am uncertain. MY pc does belong to a network and they patched it out to it sometime last night.

Thanks for any help and if I need to post on the site somewhere it will have to be later as I am using dial up to do this. I am disconnected for now.


and you didn't ask you IP department to change it ,Because

yeah the IT dept need to do it. A security policy is in effect.

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